S1 E6:Substitute Teacher

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After hearing Jasper's new friend Ortho say suspicious things we go to Junk-n-Stuff to inform Ray

Henry:Ray!We gotta talk to you.

Charlotte:This is important

Y/N:Like really important.

Henry:There's a creepy new kid at
our school.

Ray:Ugh,can we talk about this
downstairs?Gooch's juice smells.


A/N:H/Y/C stands for Henry,Y/N and

We go to the elevator.

Ray:Why do you think this Ortho kid
is up to something?

Henry:Well he was asking about the
school's water supply.

Charlotte:And he wanted to know
about the security cameras

Ray presses the descent button. Then the elevator dropped and Henry,Charlotte and I scream and wildly move around the falling machine

Ray:I wonder why he was asking
those things?

We don't answer as we continue to scream.

Ray:Guys?Oh,stop screaming.

We landed with a thud and Ray waddled out the door

Charlotte:Can't that elevator be

Ray:Why'd you say this Ortho kid is

Y/N:Because he says weird stuff.

Henry:And he's got that crazy psycho
look in his eye.

Ray:You got a pic?

Charlotte:Uhh...Jasper's twitflash

Henry:Oh yeah Jasper posted a pic of
him and Ortho on his twitflash.

Henry went over to the supercomputer and synced his phone to the computer and he enter Jasper's twitflash

Henry:Bucket.Bucket.Selfie with

Y/N:How many bucket pictures does
he have?

Henry shrugs and scrolls and finds the right picture l

Henry:Ah.That's Ortho right there.

Ray walked to the computer chair and sat down

Ray:Well,he's definitely a boy.

Charlotte:A boy that's up to no good.

Ray:Oh,give him a break.


Ray:Yeah,The kid's new to your school
he's probably just a little
awkward.Let's not make mumps
out of marshmallows.

Y/N:He also threatened you.

Ray:Me?What'd that little marsh
mump say?

Charlotte:That his father was going to
"take care" of you.

Ray:Oh did he?Well,we'll just see
about... wait,did you say his


Henry and Charlotte:Sure did.

Ray:Henry,put that kid's pic back on
the monitor and zoom in.

Henry does as instructed

Ray:Oh my god.

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