It is wrong to say I'm in home, it is actually the I'm home, like I'm happy; I'm sad.
Home is a feeling, more of an abstract and intrinsic idea than a physical and extrinsic one. Home is one of the most misunderstood concept in our society. When we say home, our emphasis lie more on the physical concrete cage instead of what home means in literal sense. Home is, where we feel comfortable to live, where we feel comfortable to laugh, where we feel comfortable to cry, where we feel comfortable to eat, drink, dance, where we feel even comfortable to feel uncomfortable.
If you are not comfortable with your family in that concrete place, which society calls it home, then you are not home. You are in house for the sake of living. The idea of home transcends the human relationships, physical reality, sacrifices and everything; or perhaps all of the aforementioned constitute a home. Home can be the footpath, can be the park, can be the thronging place in the middle of road. Home is a perception from one's point of reference based on the level of one's comfort and stability.