12. Hate

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The same day, a tallish boy sat in the shadows, waiting for something. He blended in with the darkness, assimilating to the lack of light away from prying eyes.

"Did you do it?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, now where's my money?" The older man demanded.

"Here." The boy tossed a $50 bill at the seemingly homeless man.

The boy walked away, pulling his hood up, and climbing into a black SUV. The same SUV pulled up to a prison, a supermax. Guys with guns surrounded the complex, no one was entirely sure if it was to keep things out or keep things in.

"He's here." A guard said.

"Open up!" Another guard yelled.

The boy walked into the visitation room, he sat down, preparing himself for what he was about to face. A prisoner walked in, his ankles and arms shackled together. "Hey pop." The boy smiled, standing up to greet him.

"How goes it my son?" The man asked.

"It's going good." The boy deviously smiled, he gestured for the guards to leave the room, they did. "Everything is going according to plan, the Nuke froze up in front of the entire city. Maverick bailed him out of it, like always." He rolled his eyes.

"They say anything about the crystals?" The man spoke curiously. He leaned forward looking into the boy's eyes, presumably trying to read his emotions.

"They denied any existence of them, labeling it a rumor." The boy replied.

"Good, that means they're shaken." The man smiled. "Do you have the next steps lined up?"

"Yes." The boy smiled deviously. "We're ready for the finale. There's also potential for extra leverage if they don't cooperate."

"Good." The man said. "Now go, before we raise anymore suspicion."

"I'll see you when our plan is complete." He said.

The boy walked out of the prison, he climbed back into the car, being chauffeured to his final destination of the night. He walked into the warehouse entering the office and throwing his long jacket on the chair. He began conducting his experiments, injecting himself with solutions, sticking himself with needles. He began to sweat.

A burst of fire came out of his body melting the shirt off of his back exposing old burn scars.

"Count your days, Nuke." He said to himself.

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