Hey guys! Sorry i mussed yesterday's entry. I will try to make this one extra long for you guys. So i got a lot of reads on my first chapter of this. Haha well compared to my other books lol. But yea. Life is hard Andrew have to learn to get through it i guess. My mom wants to put me in counseling! Like that dissent help! Ugh anyways lets move to another topic shall we? So i plan on being healthier this summer! Yes indeed i will be drinking and eating more healthy well try at least. Sleeping will be hard to defeat because i just cant sleep like at all! Can any of you suggest what i do in the comments please I'm desperate! Haha. Man i could go for some water....I'm getting distracted! Ugh. Thats just me lmao. Okay so idk what else to write about. Hm....uhm I'm getting married! Yes guys me Halle will soon be Mrs.Way! Im marrying Gerard Way ladies and gentlemen! It will be soon and i will tell you all about it ;) lmao. I feel like i should just tell you my ideal wedding with him and how i would want it to be. Haha is it bad that i planned a wedding that i would have with him? Yea? Okay...*cries* well i guess i will tell you because i have nothing else to do. So the theme would be black and red. I will ace a black dress with bright red "blood" stains lining the bottom of the dress. I will have red roses. Gee will wear a black tux with a red tie. (can you see I'm going for a Revenge Era theme here?) and you get the picture for his suit. I imagine his hair long and black. That was my favorite hair on him. Haha so its not FULLY planed out but its almost there. But i plan EVERYTHING ahead! I even planned my funeral! But we will save that fir another entry. Im not sure what to write about. Guys leave my questions so i can answer them in the next entry please so i have something to talk about next time! Haha well i think I'm going to sign off for now! Leave me questions so i can answer them next entry! ~Halle