The Warrior

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Reek and Shriek was the name of the Cantina in Mos Elrey on Tatooine. It was an escape from the brutal heat of the Twin Suns and the irritating sand that covered every surface of the planet. It smelled of smoke and strong drinks. There were no windows and low light creating a relaxing environment. The booths were sectioned off for privacy should any...illicit activities transpire. Game tables sat in the middle and holotables for race gambling. There was a stage for live music and next to every booth was a dance table should the patrons want any live entertainment.

  This was a haven for sand workers, scrappers and moisture farmers. Smugglers and bandits made stops here and spice traders would stop by to take off some of the heat. It's a cantina and with that came a nonchalant attitude for the law. Anything that happened here was nobody's business but the people involved. Drug deal gone bad? Not your business, unless you're the dealer or the corpse. Someone slept with the wrong woman? Got into a fight about it and accidentally killed him? Not your business, unless you're the woman, the angry significant other or the corpse.

  So was the case for today. Some poor sod got his block rocked and the barman didn't bat an eye. The two bouncers dragged the body out and tossed him on the street. The was a paradise to all sorts of species from all walks of life. And in this Cantina there were only a few rules:

1- Don't disrespect the employees
2- You break it, it's double the tab
3- You have a problem, drink another round
4- You have a complaint, drink another round
5- Any questions, drink another round

  These rules were non-negotiable and there was a set written in over two hundred languages posted on the walls.

  This was the life after the bar man for six years. He opened the Cantina when he was 16. He was now 22 and was decently wealthy. The times change when two new faces walked into the Cantina. The barman pulled in a good portion of credits from the bar aspect of his job but what really paid for his life was the side job aspect. If you knew the right people and those people knew Tyr, they'd tell you a phrase. If this phrase was told to the barman at the Reek and Shriek then you could hire a gun. Whether it be a bounty pickup, assassination or protection. This was the case.

  A small girl, Mirialan from the looks of her, and a Zabrak, came up to the bar.

  "You aren't old enough." Tyr said before the girl could utter a single word.

  "I am." Said the Zabrak.

  "That's not why we are here." The girl said. "Tion'solet verborir." The girl spoke in Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorians

  Tyr looked at the girl. "Come with me."

  Tyr led the two customers to his office in the back of the Cantina. The door closed and Tyr sat behind his desk. "Give me only the necessary details. Nothing more and nothing less."

  "Oh no," the girl started. "This isn't that kind of job. We need a gun. Like um, help taking something from someone."

  "So you want me to steal something from someone. What am I stealing and from who?"

  "Well you're gonna be working with us."

  "I work alone." Tyr said standing up. "It would seem this concludes our business."

  "Listen, I get that you're a lone wolf and such but we need another man, and you're for hire. Whatever the price we can double it for working in a team." She bargained.

  Tyr sat and began to listen. "Okay so what are we stealing? And from who?"

  "Five boxes being loaded onto an old imperial cruiser that was taken by pirates." The girl said sternly.

  "Okay, so stealing crates from pirates that have an operational imperial cruiser." Tyr replied. "Double credits. 10,000 credits."

  "10,000?" The girl gasped.

  "Is that a problem?" Tyr questioned.

  "Nope." The girl said throwing up her hood. "All good, got it. Uh, payment after the jobs complete."

  "Fine but know I'm not one to be double crossed."

  This was the beginning of a long contract for them. This team would frequently come and hire Tyr for his assistance and they'd do odd jobs for the newly formed New Republic. They'd take out rogue imperial cells and imperial sympathizers. Track down and rescue Rebel prisoners of war, and alliance members. They'd provide security and escort new senators and public figures to their destination. They'd be hired to go and assist in new settlement and exterminations.

  This was his life as a gun for hire. It was okay and the pay was good, enough to keep his cantina afloat and then some. They continue doing this for years. It was something that Tyr enjoyed doing. In some way it gave him a sense of purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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