Welcome to my world.

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300 years ago. Seoul was taken over by  creatures, these creatures hid their unusual features and bred with humans, causing a vampire to be born. These vampires killed off every single human alive, making the population 99% vampire. What about that 1% you may ask? Well that's Myouri Mina and her father.

7:45 AM

Mina had already woken up in a bad mood,  it was a random Monday in the middle of the school year and she had been abruptly woke up by her dad. She noticed it was already late, since school starts at 8:00. So she quickly jumped up and even brought her uniform in the bathroom with her.

She changed into her uniform:

And put on a bit of makeup to make her look more vampire-y

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And put on a bit of makeup to make her look more vampire-y. She opened a red, locked case and took out 2 fake vampire teeth and a red ruby necklace. As soon as she put the teeth on she grabbed her bag, a piece of bacon, and dashed out the door. Not even greeting her dad.

She quickly caught up with 2 of her friends, Momo and Sana.

"And th- HOLY CRAP MINA!" Sana screamed, causing Momo and Mina to break out in laughter.

"Hey Mina, Sana and I were worried you would be late." Momo admitted as they reached the school doors.

"Aww, you guys were worried about me? Really?" Mina taunted, giving them both a hug and walking into class. She didn't have a single class with Momo or Sana, so the whole day sucked.

In the middle of class, the hottest guy alive gave Mina a piece of paper, she opened it and read it. "Hey! You've been invited to my party! My number and address are listed on the back." Mina looked at the boy and nodded her head. She looked at the note and saw a little spot on the bottom. "P.S, the theme is black!" Mina smiled.

When she got home she told her father about it, messaged the boy, and found out his name was Austin. She immediately picked out a dress and fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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