You call yourself human but you feel no remorse
You believe your strong while you are weak
You know how to speak but your mouth stays shut
You say you're smart but you are delirious
Your think your selfless but you only care for yourself
You help people but your never seen
You cry but your never heard
You bleed but your never saved
You atone for your regrets but your never forgiven
It's the way of life
The sad way of life
But yet we still push on
But yet we still run down this dark tunnel watching others fall
Watching others burn and succumb to even what they fear most
But yet you still have to move
You have to move past your own pain and emotions
To be forgiven,to be saved
To be heard,to be seen
To care for yourself,to be smart
To speak out loud,to become strong
To wonder on,to become human
You have to wonder on with hopes of catching that light
You have to appreciate the light given to you to get that light you yearn for
You have to keep going,enjoying the bits of life you have left
You have to keep going,moving
Moving till your joints ache and until your finger tips bleed
You have to give until you are drained out without anything left
Then maybe...
Just maybe...
When you make it to the end of that dim lit path
Just maybe you'll catch that light you yearn for
That's just the simple way of life