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˚₊‧꒰აchapter two໒꒱ ‧₊˚

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˚₊‧꒰აchapter two໒꒱ ‧₊˚

؂𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼𝗼𝗻 Y/N and Yumi headed to the shrine where the Toman meeting would take place.

Each one on their own bikes. Yumi was slightly faster than Y/N, due to her bike being a better model than hers. This time both of you wore the gangs uniform.

The uniform was white. It had gold letters in the back that read: "Third Generation. Angels of death." It also had gold wings spread through the entire back of the upper half of the uniform. The pants were white and baggy. Y/N wore some black combat boots along with the gang uniform.

Once Y/N and her sister arrived at the shrine they hopped off their bikes. They made their way towards the commotion that could be heard. "Ne, Yumi, you think this is a good idea?" The younger sister said while still looking forward.

"Well, they have no reason to go against us. We did save their asses after all. Without us the second division would have been shattered to bits. As much as i hate to admit it that bitch Takada had a lot of physical power. If he weren't that worn out i possibly wouldn't have won." Yumi admitted to the (h/c).

As the two siblings made their way further into the shrine they saw about a hundred or more men there. They all wore the same uniform - the one that Mitsuya also was wearing in the morning - and they all turned their head at the two.

"This is...awkward.." Y/N exclaimed going near her big sister. Mitsuya was some stairs above everyone along with Hakkai, next to a tall blonde guy with a dragon tattoo and a shorter cute blonde guy. He whispered something to his leader. And that's when: "Why don't you two come up here?" The short male said with an inviting tone even though his face remained emotionless.

Y/N turned to look at her sister, who started to make her way towards the spot where the four males were standing. Her sister followed after her side glancing at the Toman members.

Once the two got up to the stairs they both bowed on the behalf of the Toman leader. "Captain and vice captain of the third generation: Angels of death. Yumi and Y/N L/N" The black haired female exclaimed for both her and her sister before both of them straightened up.

'That's where she was familiar from' Hakkai clicked his finger making a quiet sound. "The (h/c) is friends with Yuzuha from school." The blue haired guy whispered to his friend, while the lilac haired guy focused on her.

"We wanted to thank you for helping out our men. We talked about this matter and the captains of Toman decided on something." The dragon tattooed guy exclaimed. Shortly after that, the infamous Invicible Mikey extended his arm out to the Older L/N sister. Yumi looked a little confused as she stared at his hand and then at him.

"We will go against the gang that attacked the second division of our gang, but since we learned about some unfinished business y'all ladies have with them we wanted to offer you to fight with us against them." Mikey exclaimed.

"Oh that's--" Before Yumi could finish her word she was cut off. "And after that we can come to an alliance between our two gangs." Mikey said still having his arm extended. Yumi just stared at his hand with widened eyes before moving her hands towards his.

Y/N's eyes widened at the careless decision her sister was about to make, without talking about this with the gang captains. She quickly grabbed her sister's arm and prevented it from ever touching the blonde's hand. As some gasped and Mitsuya just stared at her in surprise.

"We..uhm, need to discuss this first. I think you understand, Mikey." The girl said, side glancing at the Toman leader without even turning her head towards him. "Yeah that's understandable." He agreed with her.

After the meeting ended the two girls headed towards their bikes, before two Toman members stopped them. "Hey, um.. we didn't actually have time to thank you two properly for your help." Mitsuya said to the two.

"It's no need really, your leader already did with his offer." Yumi reasoned. "Yeah, but you guys didn't really accept, so that means that we still owe you guys that favor."

"Oh well, i guess you do have a point. What do you guys want to do" Y/N told them, flashing them a smile. "How about we treat you at a nearby cafe? It's the least we can do." Mitsuya said pointing towards where the cafe was located. "Mhm, that sounds nice" Y/N said smiling and looking at her sister.

"Well, I can't tag along. Maybe another time, sorry guys. Y/N can come though." Yumi said pushing her sister towards the two. Y/N turned to her giving her a death glare.

"If it's fine with her." Mitsuya said smiling while Hakkai had a hard time calming down his nerves. Y/N looked at the tall male with a questioning look. "Dont worry about him, he's always shy when it comes to girls." Mitsuya said hitting his best friend on his upper arm with his elbow.

"Jeez Hakkai, what are you gonna do if we do accept your leader's offer and Toman fills up with girls?" Y/N said giving him a teasing smile. Hakkai didn't respond, he pretended to look away.

"You guys should probably go" Yumi said as she hopped on her bike and took her leave. "Y/N you have a bike or you want to ride on my bike?" Mitsuya offered. "Oh thanks Mitsuya, but i actually have my own here." I said pointing at my bike. "Let's go then."

The three hopped onto their bikes and headed towards the cafe. While they were there Mitsuya and Y/N talked about their interests and found out they have quite a few things in common. Hakkai on the other hand wished he hadn't agreed to be there because he couldn't even move.


About an hour had passed with the trio hanging out at the cafe. "Well..It was great to hang out with you two!" Y/N exclaimed happily. "But it's getting late and i should probably go." The (h/c) said as she got up from her seat. "We should do this again though." She said giggling. "Wait, Y/N" Mitsuya said also getting up from his seat. "Hm?" "Can I..Get maybe ...your number? You know so that we can meet again, outside of the business with Toman." He reasoned.

"Well, of course." Y/N said pulling out her (f/c) flip phone and passing it to Mitsuya. "Here." She said with a smile that didnt dare to leave her face. "Thanks" Mitsuya pulled out his own phone and saved her in his contact list. "All done?" Y/N asked as he handed her, her phone back. "Mhm."

"Have a good night guys." Y/N said giving them a soft smile before heading out of the cafe, hopping on her bike and driving off.

Mitsuya on the other hand remained standing while looking at her as she left. "Taka..." Hakkai said in suspicion about his best friend's actions. "I just liked--" "No way!" Hakkai shouted gripping him from his shoulders. "Liked her personality, for fucks sake!" Mitsuya tried to calm Hakkai down. "That's what I'm saying-"



A/N: tomorrow is the last day of winter break..kms😞✊

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