The flu pt.21

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Tw:  emetophobia

Charlie's POV 

I groan and turn onto my stomach, bad idea!.my stomach bubbles and bile threatens to be released, I quickly climb out of nick's bed trying my best not to wake him . I run into the bathroom opening the toilet lip and spewing my guts up .

After a few more rounds I come to the conclusion that I'm not going to be sick anymore, I wipe my face and flush the toilet. I look in the mirror staring at the piece of hair stuck to my sweaty forehead, I sigh and wash my hands.

I wonder what I've got. I'm not even going to try to go back to sleep because I know that ain't happening. I walk to the kitchen and sit at the table resting my head on the table. I must have fallen asleep because the sun is peeking through the curtains and it's already starting to get hot , I guess I can't really say how hot it is because it could be in the minuses but my body feels like it's in the Sahara desert.

I lift my head off the table, the part off the table where my head was is now a completely different temperature to the rest of the table. I hear a loud sneeze coming from upstairs and then someone running around and slamming a door, I guess I'm not the only ill one.

The sound of sniffing can be heard coming into the kitchen , I turn to see Sarah getting herself a drink of water. She leans against the counter "morning ,dear" her voice sounds funny since her nose is blocked , I just wave because I'm too scared to even open my mouth incase I'm sick again.

" are you feeling , alright " she asks coming to sit next to me,I shrug . We sit in silence before I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, I then brush my teeth and open the door to find Nick standing there.

He brings the back of his hand to my forehead, he brings me into a hug and rubs my back. " Had you been sick before this?" He asks me and I contemplate about telling him , I shake my head . We walk downstairs and Nellie follows us "how are you feeling ,mum?" Nick asks her "uh , so and so " he nods and sits down on the couch pulling me down to sit with him, I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

I feel Nick move and I slightly open my eyes "go back to sleep, char" I lay down but Nick makes me move my head , he places a cushion under my head and checks my temperature with his head again.

Nicks POV 

I feel fine , well I have a slight sore throat and I'm tired but that's it. "Mum ,do we have any paracetamol ?" She blows her nose and then answers "I'm not sure,I'll go and check "she goes to check and i just look at Charlie who's breathing isn't right . 

I sit by him feat and check his pulse and its quite rapid , mum comes down holding and empty pack of paracetamol. "I'll have to go to the shop" she says sighing "no I'll go, your ill " she gives me a look and I give her one back "mum I don't like the sound or pace of Charlie's breathing "she comes over "no , I don't either " she says frowning "I think you should wake him up " I nod and gently rub Charlie's back .

He lets out a bark sounding cough ... then another ... then another ... then another ,he sits up and I pat his back . he lets out a groan holding his neck "does your throat hurt?" He nods,"sorry for waking you but your breathing pattern was uneven  and you were wheezing" he sighs.

*time skip*

"Mum I'm going to the shop!" I say whilst she walks down from the toilet, "alright Nicky" her voice is strained and she is looks flushed "are you sure you're okay?" I ask now ing dam well she's not "well I'm living " I frown .

I take my keys , phone and my wallet before setting out to the car. I start it and drive to the corner shop,which is only a few minute walk away but I don't feel like walking in this heat. I push the heavy glass door and a blast of cool air hits me.

I walk down the first aisle picking up a two sports drinks and a large bottle of lucozade , I then get the paracetamol. I look through the other two aisles grabbing random things and a few things I hope Charlie will eat , I put the things on the counter desk . The person scans them and puts them in a doggie bag looking thing, " £12.65 please " I give him the money in cash and he gives me the change .

Charlie's POV 

My chest is aching , I feel sick , I feel dead , I have a rapid heart rate plus shortness of breath and I can't stop coughing . I run into the toilet for what feels like the fiftieth time today , after about five minutes of expelling everything I've eaten in the last month , I hear the front door shut.

I shut the toilet lid and lean against the wall behind me , someone knocks on the door but I'm too breathless to answer "char?" Nick slightly opens the door then comes in and sits next to me "I know you might hate me but I think it's best you go to the doctors" I side eye him and shake my head "please char, im really worried " I groan "f-ine" my voice is strained and I hold my chest. 

"Thank you, now I need to convince mum "We both stand up but I lose my balance, Nick quickly catches me "whoa , careful " I let go of him and start walking over to the stairs "wait !" Nick stops me "huh?" He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style "n-*cough*-ick" he chuckles but stops "you okay? " I asks, he gives me a very fake 'yeah' . 

He takes me down and places me on the couch

 "mum I'm going to try and get an appointment for Charlie and the doctors and also you "

  "I already got all of us one "

 "oh okay thanks,wait all of us?"

"Yes all of us, you're not well either "

"I'm not that ill , I don't need to go"

"Yes you do and Its not up for de-" we are interrupted by Charlie's coughing fit and wheezing "what time is it?" "It's at 2 , so In twenty minutes " . "Char do you want to go get ready?" He nods and tries to get up but miserably failing, he falls back so I help him up "do you want me to help you get changed?" He hums and I carry him upstairs.

 "Char do you want to go get ready?" He nods and tries to get up but miserably failing, he falls back so I help him up "do you want me to help you get changed?" He hums and I carry him upstairs

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"Nick , d-do you have a hoodie or something I c-can wear , it's freezing?" I nod and go grab one , before giving it to Charlie I get a thermometer from the cupboard. I check his temperature and it's at 38.2°C (100.76°F) "shit char" I say mainly to my self "wha-*cough*" I show him and he groans .

"Mum are you ready!?" 

"Yes!"she comes down looking presentable but you can tell she's ill , we walk to the car whilst Charlie uses me as a stabiliser. I sit in the back next to Charlie , who dozes of in less than five minutes of the car journey .

3rd person POV 

After ten minutes In the car they get to the doctors . Nick gets out and helps Charlie get out , Sarah holds onto Charlie as well keeping him up . "We have an appointment for 3:20 , 3:40 and 4:00" Sarah tells the lady at the desk "your name please ?" She receptionist says taking a sip of her cold coffee "Sarah Nelson" she says before her coughing fit starts, Sarah has to take a minute outside to calm down. 

"And your name?" She asks Charlie, he looks to Nick "Charlie Francis spring " the receptionist looking through her computer before nodding to herself "ah , I remember you " . Nick tells her his name and she tells them to all sit down.

A male nurse walks past them and Charlie hides behind nicks shoulder , Nick doesn't notice Charlie's discomfort but Sarah does.

Soon Sarah's name gets called...

1476 words 

There will be part 2

Nick and Charlie The honeymoon stage (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now