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We See everyone In the Great Hall as Izuku's Harem is Surrounding him 

Izuku: You girls Know You don't have to surround me

Cho: But We want to 

Luna: Yea 

ROn: Haha

Ibarra: Your in the Same boat

Ron: Oh Yea 

Izuku: *Laughs* Okay I'll start when I Met Dumbledore which was hsortly after grandma Beat the Shit out of Voldemort 


We see Izuku waking up in what looked like a Hospital hall as he was confused

Dumbledore: Hello There Young Man

Izuku: Uhh Hi who are you

Dumbledore: I am Professor Dumbledore 

Izuku: SO Your a Teacher

Dumbledore: I'm a Headmaster for a School called Hogwarts 

Izuku: Hogwarts?

Dumbledore: *Nods* Do you know who your Grandmother Protected You from 

Izuku: *Nods no*

Dumbledore: it was he who shall not be named or Voldemort

Izuku: Voldemort?

Dumbledore: *Nods* Do you know anything about witches or wizards 

Izuku: Yea Their Fictional 

Dumbledore: *Smiles* No Their Not 

Izuku: wait Really 

DUmbledore: yes in fact You are One Yourself

Izuku: Really

Dumbledore: Oh Yes You see Magic Exists but Us Wizards and Witches Keep it to ourselfs and Protect Muggles which are None Magic Folks as Matter a fact Your Grandmother was a Powerful witch 

Izuku Was shocked but smiled 

Izuku: can You Show me to be a wizard

Dumbledore: Yes but you need a Family

Izuku: *Sad* Mine Neglected and Bullied me and Even Beat me *Starts to cry* I've been Treated Horribly

Dumbledore Gave Izuku a Small Hug as he said 

Dumbledore: don't worry I Know a Family who'll take you in 

Izuku: and that was when I met Dumbledore

Izumi: DUmbledore Sounds nice

Izuku: He is but Mcgonnagall is Nicer

Inko: what about Snape 

Izuku: Who 


Hisashi: what about when You met Them

Izuku: Well 


We see Dumbledore and Izuku outside a Tall Home as someone opens The Door 

Molly: Dumbledore

Arthur: hello Dumbledore

Dumbledore: Hello Arthur and Molly I Need a Favor done

Molly: sure come on In 

Dumbledore came in with a Kid and Explained the Situation as Molly was shocked and Horrifired

Molly: How could they have been Horrible people Like That 

Dumbledore: Yes They Indeed don't deserve a child so I was wondering if You'd Take Him In

Arthur: we would in a Heartbeat but We'd have Problems Were poor and

Dumbledore: he's won The Lottery

Izuku: Yea and I can Help you

Arthur: You'd Do that even if you don't know us

Izuku: Yes *Smiles*


Ron: and Izuku did Help us

Izuku: I even invested some of the Money meaning we weren't Poor

Molly: Except for when I Spoiled the Boys 

Izuku: and Tried Making us Where sailor Outfits

ROn: it was bloody Embarrassing 

Izuka: HAHAHAHA Well You Guys got Unlucky 

Inko: I ordered you one Izuka

Izuku: HA 

Izuka was Pissed as izuku continued telling Them stories and He told Them How Close Izuku and Ginny were and Izumi was sad But happy for Izuku





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