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"What the hell, you creepy weirdo?!" I shouted, throwing my hands around. Suddenly, the grip on my waist and thigh was gone with the wind. I instantly turned back, but no man was near me or the house, almost like he had never been there.

It could be some unfunny prank since Halloween is a few weeks away. Maybe it's someone from the bar. Could it be Joseph? But after yesterday, he doesn't look like the type who doesn't fear danger.

I got back into my room, jumping into my comfortable bed covered in violet sheets and hugging my legs.

"I can't even fucking call the cops!!" I threw a tantrum.

Someone is clearly playing with me, and I'll make sure to find that prick.

I bore my face into my knees, humming a song that usually calms me down. My mother sang it to me when I was scared of a storm. She put a large blanket over us and quietly sang a calm melody into my ears.

"I miss you, mom."

• • •

"Vivienne!! Wake up, or you'll get fired. Don't be so lazy, would you?"

Grandma's voice? Why is she yelling at me so early in the morning?

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, meeting my grandmother's face up close. I flinched against the bed frame.

"God! What's happened?"

"Work, Vivienne, work."

Oh, right.

"Sorry, Grandma. I didn't sleep the best these past few days. I'll get ready immediately." I said.

She looked at me hesitantly. Probably because I had to urge myself to lay back. So I opened my comforter, grimacing at her. She sighed, shaking her head.

Thankfully, she left because otherwise she'd be late for work as well. I haven't had any time for myself or my hobbies. I've only been occupied with my work and that pervert who showed up yesterday. Could life get any worse?

Wait, scratch that. People always say that, and it truly gets worse.

I sprinted all the way to the bar, and as I thought, my boss was already behind the counter serving drinks. Why do people drink so early in the first place?

"Want to be fired, Vivienne?" He threatened in his lower tone.

"I apologize, boss. You know I never oversleep, and I'm always on time here." I whispered so other people wouldn't hear.

He rolled his eyes and didn't reply anything back because he knew I was right. I'm always right.

I immediately started working. More and more customers came as time progressed. I glanced a couple of times at the door in the hope of seeing the red-headed woman.

I don't even know how I will repay her since I have little money. Perhaps a glass of wine will be good enough?

"Three shots of vodka, please." A man with gray hair requested. He was living near me, but I didn't know him personally.

"William, did you hear the news?" Another man asked him as he came to him.

"No? What happened?" William wondered.

"Well, I don't know if it's one hundred percent true, but there's gossip going around that Joseph Smith suddenly died yesterday."

I sharply took a breath. Was I hearing that correctly? That Joseph who was healthy-looking yesterday?

"Oh Jesus, I cannot believe what's coming out of your mouth! May his soul rest peacefully if it's true." William said.

The two of them kept talking about Joseph, and it felt like time had frozen; everyone and everything moved slowly as a snail.

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