Part 1- pilot

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My name is Charlie Spring. Well, Charles, but everyone calls me Charlie unless I'm in trouble or something. I'm a year 10 student in Truham Grammar School for Boys. I have a really nice friend group, Tao, Elle, Issac, Tara, and Darcy. And just so you know, Tara and Darcy DEFINITELY have something for each other, but just avoid the trouble. I mean, I don't even think they know they like each other even though it's the most obvious thing in the world. We're quite litreally the pride group. Darcys lesbian, I'm gay, Elles trans, Issacs aromantic, Taos your casual indie film obsessed straight friend, And Tara is still figuring stuff out I think. All we need is our bisexual! Oh, and I forgot to say my boyfriend, who my friends don't know about. Ben.

I'm meeting him in the library this morning before the first lesson of year 10. I get a new form, and this year, people vary from different ages. Years 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

I get off the bus, and my sister tori walks the opposite way, I have a bright smile on my face, excited for the day ahead, and obviously, the morning. I swing open the doors to the library walk to the very end, and there he is, Ben Hope.

C- Hey!

B- Hey, I've missed you.

C- me to! Did u have a good bre-

He pushes me against the wall and starts fiercfully kissing me. I feel trapped.

C- Ben, stop!

He pulls away, still grabbing the collar of my blazer.

B- Why

C- I need to ask you something.

B- Say it then.

C- Do you want to come to my house, since you know, we're boyfriends?

B- What? Were not "boyfriends"

C- Then what are we.
I shout louder than I was meant to.

B- I don't know!!

C- b-because lately it's been feeling like I'm nothing at all to you! From the moment I liked you but you just treated me like shit!

B- What are you trying to say, charlie? I've been trying to figure stuff out, I like you!! What more do u want.

C- If you were trying to figure stuff out, then sure, I would've been there for you, but you have never cared about my feelings, it's like u don't know I have them.

Tears are draught to my eyes, and we're arguing in what sounds like mumbles. The only thing I remember is me storming out shouting, "Leave me alone." Pratically having a breakdown. The first bell rings. It's time to get to form, looking like this.

I go up to Mr lange. "Charlie! Wonderful to see you! Your sat over there, opposite ~~~~~~~~"
I don't even know his name. It was all a blur. I felt empty, emotionally embarrassed, I felt... nothing.

I sat down, he looked at me, and I looked at the floor. Not even making eye contact. "Are you okay?" He murmers. I look up, I can't even see what he looks like. It's just ripples of water. "Yeah, sorry, tired." And then he's just staring at me with concern, I've never even met him. And he looks... concerned.

My phone dings. It's Ben.

B- I hope ur fucking happy. Its not over yet.

I start panicking, I can't see, I can't hear, I don't even know how I'm acting. I CANT CONTROL MY SELF. My head bangs onto the table. I hear sobs, my sobs? Am I really sobbing in front of the whole class ffs. I feel a hand rubbing my back, I look around, and everyone's staring at me. But wait? Where's the person who was just sat directly opposite me. "Nick nelson, sit back down, please." Mr lange exclaimed.
Nick. His name is Nick. Anyways, Nick huffs and goes back to his seat, still watching me in worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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