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-Jhope's Pov-

What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck What the fuck!!!!!

He's dead!!

He's dead!!

He's dead!!

Aint no fucking way! How can this be! What the fuck!

I hit the steering wheel as I am driving...

-At Jk's House-

-Jk's Pov-

I am upstairs making heavily love to Y/n when the door opens

Jk-what the fuck! Y/n cover up!

She did as I told her and I looked at Rm and Jin

Jk-can y'all tell me why y'all barged in my room like this?

Rm looked at Jin who looked at me

Jin-Suga is dead...

What the fuck.


Jk-I told yall not to get close but close

Jh-I know that but...Suga wanted to get more than nothing and thats what he did. Jay park is planning to kill us and you and have Y/n for himself.

Jk-what the fuck?!

Jh-he told me to tell u, that he is coming...

I clenched my jaw punching the wall

Jk-this messes up everything I have planned! Suga died to get information.

I sighed and I grabbed a bottle of tequila and i took some back

Jk-...To Suga

Jh&Jin&Rm&Jimin&V-To Suga

Jk-you know what...let them come...I don't give a fuck anymore

Rm-we need to have a plan...and letting come is a to risky for all of us

Jk-Rm...I don't give a shit...This is what we live for right...Im tired of letting that bastard get what he wants

V-why can't we just let him have Y/n and when he least expected it kill him and his gang

Jk-I have already thought about that, but I thought about the outcome...he would just kill her and kill me and the rest of you and i can't risk that. So will let him come to me...let him think we are coming...stay away from his house, just watch from a distance...okay

They nodded and I sat down drinking


-Jungwon's Pov-

Me and they guys are at Jk's house and I told them to stay quiet, it's night time

I signaled them to go around back while me and some other took the front

We busted thru the door and it set an alarm everywhere but what pissed me off was the note that was plastered everywhere

You actually think I was going to sleep at home after what you and your bastards did...nah if you want me and MY girl then come find us...face me like a fucking man bitch. Oh yeah you might wanna run...I have two houses for a reason.

The next thing I know I seen bombs everywhere....

Jungwon-get out of the house NOW!

As soon as I ran the house went up in flames...killing most of our gang members.

Jungwon-oh shit.

-Jay's House-

-Jay's Pov-

Jp-fuck that! Okay there is no way I'm letting this bitch threaten me. Matter of fact tomorrow night it's going down...I am raisin hell at his house and I'm taking that bitch to.

Jungwon-okay, but we have to find his other location.

Jp-I don't want y'all to do it...I want to be the one that kills him...I am going to fuck his bitch in front of him and make him watch.

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