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The arms wrapped around his waist made him feel safe, the heat radiating from the body behind him just enough to warm him even through his sweater.

The unusually high-pitched laugh next to his ear kept him grounded.

He felt his lips curl up into a fond smile as the rest of the group chattered back and forth in the backyard at the party in one of his classmate's huge home.

The big white house behind them almost bounced on the ground from the hard bass that kept thrumming even as the songs changed into new ones.

The grass underneath their feet was green, dark and slightly damp from the rain that had poured down just hours ago, before the party had started.

The group laughed at a joke Jongho just made but Yunho was focused on something else.

The red cup in his hands was filled with cold liquor as he subconsciously let his thumb stroke across the little carving on the outside of it.

He led it towards his mouth, taking a sip of the alcohol inside, scrunching his nose at the bitter taste on his tongue, but he smiled nonetheless.

He was glad the group got along so well.

He didn't think they would enjoy each other's company this much. They were two totally different friend groups essentially.

He had known Mingi, Seonghwa and Wooyoung for quite some time now. You could say they were his childhood friends even.

And Hongjoong, Jongho, Yeosang and San were his newly found friends ever since they were put in classes together in Highschool.

But after this evening, he was sure they weren't that different after all.

The finger caressing his stomach felt soothing as he noticed his best friend's chin on his shoulder, hugging him for comfort.

Mingi had always been the one looking for skin ship. It was his love language, you could say.

And Yunho had grown fond of it even if he normally would've put distance between him and anyone who would look for proximity.

It had been something that surprised his newly found friends when they met a mere two hours ago at the party.

"You could've told us you had a boyfriend, Yunho," was what San had said after the group had seen them hand in hand, dancing to the obnoxiously loud, upbeat music inside of the house.

That's when the two only laughed, waving it off as they told them they were just best friends.

And since then, the group went outside to chat a little, getting to know each other.

"Do y'all wanna play a game?" Wooyoung suggested.

"Yeah, that way we can get to know each other better, I like that idea," San answered, maybe looking Wooyoung up and down a bit too obviously.

"Alright, I have an empty beer bottle. Do you all want to play truth or dare?" Seonghwa asked, holding up his empty bottle for everyone to see.

"Yeah, that's cool," Hongjoong answered, sitting down on one of the garden chairs that were already placed in some kind of circle, a round table standing right in the middle of seven of those.

"You can sit on my lap if you want," Yunho said to Mingi as he counted the other six still empty chairs.

Mingi just smiled, nodding and releasing his grip on his best friend.

The warmth of his hug was gone sooner than Yunho had liked but he smiled still, moving to sit next to Hongjoong, tapping his thighs for Mingi to sit.

The rest of the group all seated themselves on the chairs that were left, Seonghwa placing the bottle in the middle of the table.

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