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The loud blaring from the alarm that signalled morning awoke me, groaning as I bolted upright.

It was an awful noise to wake up to, but it did the job.

I rubbed my eyes, trying my hardest not to stab my eyeball with a nail, and blinked a few times before scanning the room.

Scanning the bed beside me.

The faint smell of Seok Chan's cologne lifted from the sheets as it was still warm from his presence.

I let out a quiet sigh getting out of the warm bed, wincing as I stood up.

Fuck me I was sore.

Cursing internally, I massaged my thighs and grabbed my underwear, as well as my shorts.

I shivered as I slipped them back on, shimming them over my ass and doing them up.

I peered down at my wound, a new bandage had been applied by Seok Chan. He most likely did it before he left.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw a navy shirt loosely hanging from Seok Chan's desk chair.

His navy shirt.

Well his second one.

I smiled walking over and taking it off the chair, it smelt like him.

Smelt like vanilla with a hint of earthy aroma.

Didn't surprise me since we were living in a shit hole.

Taking off my shirt which had ripped sleeves and blood staining the once white cotton, I slipped his over my head letting it cover my upper body.

I grinned from ear to ear, the comfort it brung me was on another level.

It was slightly long, but who gave two shits?

There was nothing stylish about the apocalypse.


I stood outside my dorm, Su A standing next to me whilst having a chat to Ms Ok.

The usual routine happened.

My hand got sliced and my wound didn't heal quickly.

Nor' did Su A's, thank god.

I wrapped the same old cloth around my hand, tying it tight to clot the blood, and walked back into my room to grab my bag.

"Whose shirt is that?"


I looked up as I grabbed my bag and watched Su A sit down on her bed, wincing at the pain from her leg.

I frowned not answering her question as more important things were at stake, looking at her leg.

"Su, let me have a look."

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 - a sweet home ffWhere stories live. Discover now