Things are changing pt 2

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~Later That Evening ~

Larry was still upset about what happened earlier, his mind was racing thinking about Karlie and the sales clerk. He started to do some steps he learned in treatment to calm himself down and to control his anger, he didn't want to explode or go back to his old ways.

He got up out of bed pacing the floor, "Maybe I see things wrong today? Karlie knows not to do anything like that in front of me, she know I will hurt her for doing that. Why she gotta be this way when she know I trying, I really trying to be good, I trying so hard not to let the old me out"!

While Larry was having a conversation with himself  Jordan thought he would check on him to make sure he was doing okii.

Jordan: Mon frere what are you doing?

Larry tried pulling himself together just enough to open the door.

Larry: (opening the door) What you want Jordan, I busy right now!

Jordan: I was just coming to check on you, I wanted to make sure you good cause you look a little upset when you come home!

Larry: I fine Jordan, I was just tired after taking Karlie to lunch and going shopping that's all!

Jordan: You sure Larry? No forget I know you, hell I raise you so I know when something is wrong with you.

Larry: Okii I was a little upset, Karlie was flirting with the sales clerk in the story today. Right in front of me she was flirting with him but I no do nothing I remembered my steps and do that before anything could happen!

Jordan: Good and what you mean she was flirting with him? Did you hear what they were saying? Did she act in a suspicious way to give you that idea?

Larry: Non she no do any of that stuff but I know what I saw Jordan I no crazy! (Getting upset)

Jordan: Calm down Larry don't get upset now, I only asking you a question!

Larry didn't realize his hands were fits and his breathing became harder. He took a deep breath and remembered his steps from treatment to calm down, "Larry you good mon frere? You look like you ready to hit something "!

Larry: I good Jordan, I just remember my steps and I good now. I just gotta remember my steps!

Jordan: Hey man I know this isn't easy but you gonna get through it okii, just remember what you learn and you gonna be okii!

Jordan just stood there watching Larry control his anger, he stood in amazement watching him talk himself down. Once Larry was okii he took a deep breath and counted to ten, Jordan walked over to his frere and gave him a hug. He knows things are still hard for Larry and he wants to be  as much of a support system to him.

On the other hand Karlie was confused about that afternoon and all the things that transpired, she didn't know how to react to Larry grabbing her in the store. She didn't want to believe that he was going back to his old ways, she didn't want to think that he could go back to being abusive to her.

She gathered her things to get ready to take a shower, she took off her shirt and noticed a bruise on her arm.

Karlie: I can't believe he grabbed me like that today! What am I going to tell the others if they see this? I gotta think of something before they find out!

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