New Beginnings

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Everything was quiet at first with only darkness being present as a low snoring could be heard. Then suddenly a bright light was shining in the room with a gentle and feminine voice accompanying it. "Wake up dear" a woman began to speak out as Jayden groaned rubbing his eyes as he covered his face from the light. "Five more minutes Auntie?" he asked trying to at least a couple of more minutes to rest to which she chuckled softly and shook her head. "You said that five minutes ago remember?" she crossed both of her arms as Jayden sighed holding his head as he stepped out of bed. "Waking me up this early on a Sunday?" He mumbled slightly annoyed at not being able to get more rest. His question made his aunt chuckle even more as she tilted her head. "You know it's Monday right? you need to get ready for your first day at the academy and quickly" she reminded him before leaving his room to finish fixing herself up.

Jayden cursed under his breath as he stepped out of bed and made his way towards his bathroom. He took a shower, freshened up, brushed his teeth, and slipped on a blue and white hoodie with white jeans and shoes of the same color. Jayden then grabbed his keys off the rack as he prepared to leave. "Be good baby and don't get into any fights, I love you!" his aunt yelled through her room causing him to chuckle slightly. "Yeah yeah I love you too Auntie" he left the house closing the door behind him as he made his way towards his blue and white Camaro.

He got inside his car as he typed in the address for the college allowing for it to appear on his GPS before making his way and driving to his destination. As he drove to the college he began to talk to himself to relax his nerves. "New college to be part of the next generation of heroes? Can't be that bad at all" he muttered reassuringly though there was doubt in his voice. He turned on the radio as "Bank Account" by 21 Savage began to play much to his enjoyment as he would arrive shortly at the college campus.

The University was situated on sprawling grounds adorned with lush greenery, the campus provided a welcoming and serene environment that nurtured personal growth and fostered a sense of belonging. The main building had a Neo-Gothic design to it resembling that of a castle. It stood tall and proud, commanding attention with its modern design and sleek lines.

Students walked across the campus laughing and conversing with each other as cheerful music played aloud. Jayden parked his car as he stepped out with a deep breath before making his way into the main building. "Doubt enters your mind and spirit young one.." a calm but strong voice spoke to Jayden inside his mind. "What? there isn't an ounce of doubt in me for your information" he scoffed as he walked inside the main building. The entrance led into a spacious foyer, where natural light poured in through floor-to-ceiling windows, creating an inviting and energizing atmosphere. Jayden admired the place noting how colossal the building was.

He made his way around the main building for a minute or two to get a feel for the environment and become aquatinted. "Alright now where are the dormitories ?" he questioned himself as he pulled out his phone and looked at a map of the campus that was online. After finding out where the dorms were he'd head to his destination. Soon enough he'd arrive at the dormitories seeing the apartments as he'd make way his way inside.

Once inside he would walk to his apartment as he attempted to open it he realized there was no handle but instead a handprint on the right side of the door. "What kind of nonsense..." he muttered to himself as he put his hand against the handprint causing a green laser to scan his DNA and genome. "Technology always has a way of s-"As he was about to finish his sentence he looked onward into the apartment to see a brown-skinned male with black hair wearing green shorts and a black shirt playing video games.

Jayden walked in slowly as he raised a hand beginning to speak. "What's up I'm Jayden and you are?" he introduced himself to the stranger who was in his apartment. The man paused the game as he got up and shook his hand with a grin on his face. "Nice to meet you amigo I'm Jose" he greeted Jayden before heading back to his game as he began to play once more. "Nice to meet you too...I'm assuming you're my roommate?" he asked curiously as he was unaware of having a roommate for his apartment.

"Obviously, why else would I be here?" Jose chuckled as he shook his head at Jayden causing him to raise an eyebrow as he sighed. "Alright noted well I'm going to grab my stuff I'll be back" he replied as he left outside the door and headed towards his car to grab his personal belongings. After arranging and putting up everything he'd make himself at home as he'd lay down on his bed with a sigh. "Tired already?" Jose chuckled as he drank from a Red Bull. "Man I just need some rest before classes start and it's best to get some now right?" he replied slightly standing up. Jose merely shrugged at Jayden as he finished up a burger he was having. "Getting rest is for the weak! There's a party happening tonight and I'd be more than happy if you came" he replied with a smile on his face.

Jayden tilted his head a bit unsure about going to a party with people he didn't know and not having a clue of what he was getting into. "You sure that's the best idea? Classes start tomorrow and-" Joseph began to yawn aloud interrupting Jayden as he stretched his limbs. "Sorry about that you were boring me" he chuckled before getting slightly serious. "Look it won't be anything too crazy man relax a little and have some fun!" he placed a hand on Jayden's shoulder as he attempted to persuade him to party.

Jayden took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. "Fine fine" he raised his hands admitting defeat as Jose smirked. "Great! The party starts tonight at 10 so look sharp!" he bounced up as he grabbed his Red Bull and chugged it down quickly then threw it in the trash. "I'll see you at the party my friend" he chuckled as he exited the room moving at superhuman speeds leaving a green blur behind and creating a gust of wind that hit Jayden right in the face. He flinched lightly with a sigh as he prepared himself to head back to sleep. " Maybe the party won't be so bad" he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

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