Chapter 1

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"I'm going to find you Ryuko!" Izuna screamed running around the compound in search of an onyx hair-colored girl. Said girl giggled from behind a tree, only 20 feet away from Izuna. At 10 years old, Izuna knows how to sense chakra types, but Ryuko knows that he is trying to refrain from using his sharingan to find her.

"You better hurry Izuna! 10 more minutes of not finding me means that I win the game!" She yelled over her shoulder, hoping that she didn't give away her position. The positive of always playing hide-and-seek with Izuna is that if she wins, he always buys her dango as a reward for being a "good Kunoichi."

While she was distracted, drooling even, thinking about the delicious dango flavors offered, Izuna snuck around the tree. He was able to easily locate the 8-year-old when she yelled out from her hiding space.

"GOTCHA!" He tackled the small girl to the ground as she screamed in surprise. "Dang it Izuna! I wanted to try a different flavor of dango today!" She pouted sitting up and catching her breath from the surprise attack. Izuna sat up quickly on his knees and looked at Ryuko and grinned.

"We should still go and see if Madara-"

"I will not be paying for your dango. Are you both done playing games?" A taller boy, around 12 years old, was standing over the two children on the ground. Izuna knew that the fun was over now that his older brother was here.

"Aweeee Nii-san! Why not?!" Izuna shouted standing up quickly.

"Yeah! Please Madara-kun! I'll be good and not annoy you this week!" Ryuko stood quickly and giggled. Madara looked at Ryuko and then back at Izuna and huffed.

"Izuna, you should be training. It's only another year before you start getting prepared to step into war, as I did when I too was 11 years old and Ryuko, shouldn't you be preparing to learn womanly type stuff?" Madara stated confidently. He had only be going into battle with his father, Tajima, for a year now, and over the past few years, Madara and Izuna have lost 3 brothers. It was reasonable of Madara for wanting Izuna to be strong and able to defend himself.

Ryuko scrunched her nose, "nope. Oto-san said he is going to start training me aswell. He said that I have a big chakra......what was it called again?" she tapped her chin with her pointer finger. "Reserve?" Izuna filled in. "Yeah! That! And he said that my okaa-san has enough duties with my younger sisters and older sister already." She smiled.

Ryuko had 4 sisters in total and 2 brothers. It could definitely be said that her parents were quite.... busy. But Ryuko was the middle child, which meant that she often was left alone. Amaya was her oldest sister, and the oldest sibling, at 16 years old. Takeshi and Hiroki were her older brothers, ages 14 and 12. And then Ryuko at 8 years old, followed closely by Satsuki. Satsuki was the closest in age to Ryuko at just 7 years old. And lastly, Haruka and Kohana, her youngest and twin sisters, at age 3.

Mikoto, her mother, had her hands full as she was now teaching Amaya all of her future duties as a future wife, and she was also watching the twins and teaching them to read and write. Daichi, Ryuko's father, was busy teaching Takeshi and Hiroki battle techniques for the future of the Uchiha clan. Daichi Uchiha was also a very important member of the Uchiha clan, as he was one of the team leads that helped create different battle strategies for when the Uchiha are going into battle. He also is the best friend of the Uchiha clan leader, Tajima Uchiha, also known as Madara and Izuna's father.

Tajima and Daichi grew together as children and evolved into positions of power. Daichi met Mikoto through Hana-san, Tajima's wife, and the rest was history. However, when Ryuko was born, Daichi saw something within her. Something stronger than he had ever sensed within his oldest children, and even today none of the younger children within the household rival her.

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