Quidditch 101

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Draco practically dragged Harry behind him as he ran through the castle.  Parchment paper flew behind the two boys as Draco made a bee-line for the quidditch field, "whatever that was," thought Harry.

As the boys finally came to a stop, Harry bent down to catch his breath before realizing that someone else was there with him.
As the brunette's eyes traveled up, he could hear Draco's voice beside him.
"Harry Potter, meet Marcus Flint.  He's the Slytherin quidditch captain."

Harry finally stood up and looked at the face belonging to Marcus.  He gulped.  Marcus reminded him of his cousin at home if he lost about fifty pounds.
Nervously, he put his hand out.
"Harry Potter, nice to meet you." He

Marcus grabbed his hand tightly and shook a bit too hard.
"Pleasure is mine Harry! Malfoy here told me that you never played quidditch? Well that's just a shame.  Everyone knows that Potters are amazing flyers."  Flint droned on and on but Harry only took one thing from his ranting,
His father was good at quidditch?

Draco interrupted his thought train, "Actually, Harry has never even heard of quidditch before." He said patting his friend's back.
Flint was taken aback as he finally stopped talking.  After regaining his composure, he changed his wording.
"Well that's going to change right now." 

Flint turned around and ran into a big tent.  Harry turned to look at Draco.
"Are you okay?" Draco asked with a concerned face.
Harry nodded, "Yeah, why do you ask?"
The blonde's face turned from concern to confusion.
"You were staring off for a good while.  Can't blame you though, when he starts talking he doesn't stop it seems."
The two boys started laughing as Flint came running back with a chest.

"Okay Potter," he huffs out as he throws the chest onto the ground. "I'm going to teach you the basics of quidditch."

The older Slytherin bent down and opened the chest to reveal three balls and two bats.  He picked up the biggest ball first.
"This here is a quaffle." He tosses it to Harry who tosses it to Draco.
"Each team has three chasers.  Those chasers toss around this ball and tries to score them into one of the three hoops on the opposite team.  Each score is ten points."
He takes the quaffle from Draco and places it back in the chest before getting out one of the smaller two balls.

"This here," he says smiling, "is a bludger."  Harry laughs at the name before being hit by the ball.
"Ow."  He complained as he rubbed his arm.
"If you think that hurt imagine it coming from being hit by this." Flint said as he got out one of the bats.
"There are two beaters on both teams.  Each of them has a bat that is used to protect their team members from thr bludgers."  He handed Harry a bat, "and send them to the opposite team."
He smirked as he pitched the bludger at Harry, who surprisingly hit the ball away from him and his friend.
"Impressive."  Flint smiled as he went to catch the bludger and put it away.

"What do you think?" Draco asked.
Harry shook his head, "I don't know, I was never really food at sports."  Malfoy rolled his eyes and gave his friend a playful slap, "quidditch is in your blood, you'll do great."
Before Potter could ask what he meant, Flint was back and fighting to open a new compartment in the chest.

Finally he got it open and turned to show the two boys.
"This is the prize," he said handing the brunette slytherin the small ball.
"That there is the golden snitch.  There is one seeker on each team.  Their job is to find and catch the snitch before the other seeker does." 

Harry held up the golden ball for a closer look as wings open up from the sides.
"That little guy is worth one hundred and fifty points." 

The snitch started to quickly zoom around Harry's face before he caught it with both of his hands. 

"Well, those are all the parts of quidditch.  Did you want to watch a game? The Slytherins are practicing later tonight."  Flint asked as he put away the snitch.

Harry looked at his friend with pleading eyes. 
Draco shook his head, "We have homework tonight, potions isn't easy you know." 
"We have time before then though, and no other class has given us homework."  Harry begged.

The blonde sighed as he caved,
"Okay, but we need to start on our homework like five minutes ago if we're going to get it done in time."

Harry turned back to Flint, "It's a yes, save the best spot for us."  Flint smiled as the two friends ran off towards the castle.
"Wish I didn't drop all my Parchment earlier." Harry laughed out as he and Draco made a bee-line for their dormitory.

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