0.5 Niyla Black Lupin

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[Niyla Black Lupin]
Character Traits:
Birthday: November 5, 1979
Skin: Light
Eyes: Human- Gray / Wolf- Yellow
Hair: Silver-Gold (Dyed Light-Brown)
House: Slytherin
Patronus: Dire Wolf
Wand: Dragon Heartstring
Family Owl: Lux a Great Horned Owl
Maledictus-Like Ability (but not considered a Maledictus by the Ministry): Dire Wolf
Goblet Of Fire: 15-16 y/o

[About Character]

Niyla Black Lupin, known to everyone— besides Harry Potter, the Weasley family, Draco Malfoy, and members of the Order— as Niyla Lupin. She is the clandestine child of Sirius Black and adoptive daughter of Remus Lupin. After the Daily Prophet published the confirmed deaths of the Potters and Sirius Black was imprisoned, Lupin took custody of the almost two-year-old.

With the controversy of cursed blood and having been the child of a murderer, people of the Order wanted nothing to do with Niyla. And so after careful consideration, Albus Dumbledore convinced Remus Lupin to adopt her, all while keeping the identity of her real name a secret.

In the years of raising his adoptive daughter, Remus grew to be very protective of Niyla, keeping her from attending Hogwarts for a year before Dumbledore convinced him it would be best for Niyla to learn magic at Hogwarts instead of being homeschooled. Subsequently, Niyla would start Hogwarts a year older than her classmates, such as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.— Every dangerous incident and adventure Harry faced, Niyla was there with him.

Niyla was well informed about Harry Potter and who his parents were.—Through her father Remus. So when the time came that she would meet Harry Potter, she knew she would want to befriend him and when the time was right she would tell him about their fathers' friendship. Later, they would have a fallout in their friendship, when they found out (in The Prisoner of Azkaban) that Sirius Black killed Harry Potter's parents and Niyla was biologically his daughter. But by the end of that book/movie, they would of course learn the truth.

In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Niyla turns fifteen and unintentionally starts thinking more of boys.— As all teenagers eventually do. And as it always happens in schools, rumors spread at some point in the story, that Niyla likes a particular red-head. After it was inevitably confirmed she had a thing for a boy two years above her own. The boy and his charismatic-mischievous twin brother would often tease her in a friendly manner. That was until they learned who her real father was and that she was actually just a year younger than they were. Like their younger brother— who was a close friend of hers— they continued to be her friend, but were more serious and projected stern platonic feelings toward her, so as not to screw up their friendship with her.

Niyla's friendships with the twins, Ron, and Harry, kind of went stale over the summer before her fourth year at Hogwarts. She found a bit of solace elsewhere, with a person from her House.

[Other Details About The Story]

Because Niyla is a year older than her classmates, Professor Dumbledore made an exception for her to take the O.W.L.'s exams with the fifth years at the end of her fourth year. But being that it was the year of the Triwizard Tournament and already having mandatory electives on her schedule, Dumbledore insisted that she only study to get an O.W.L for one subject. He allowed her to choose the subject and after a lengthy consideration, she decided she would take the time to study Potions with Severus Snape. A class that she found simple enough in the past years. So, after permission from Dumbledore, Niyla would be able to attend Professor Snape's Advanced Potions class in her fourth year; though this class would be filled with students who had failed their O.W.L's the previous year.— A class filled with sixth years restudying material to retake their O.W.L's.

Inherited by her mother, Niyla can transform into a Dire Wolf, but is not considered a Maledictus by the Ministry of Magic. Unlike a Maledictus, Niyla's ability to transform into an animal poses no threat to her human mind. And as if a kind of occlumency was placed on her, no mind could penetrate Niyla's thoughts as long as she was in her wolf form. Niyla was not a particularly skilled Occlumens, so assumed the shield-like ability on her wolf mind was a power that was tethered to her Dire Wolf form.— No skilled Legilimens is powerful enough to see her memories in her wolf form. However, this would not apply to her human form.

In this story, students sixteen years of age and older can enter to be a Champion in the Triwizard Tournament.

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