charpter 1

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Your nam is Y/N and you are emo troll n have black har wit red highlites and you have gray skin like branch but u just were born lik this. Ur granma didn't die but u do hav trama like branch. Ur the prettiest troll in trolls village and every guy falls in love wit you isntantly. Even Brnachi s in luv with u but you don't fell the sam cauz he's like ur lil brother But his not cuz that would be Wierd!!1!1!

Anwyas 1 day Queen Poppy n Brunchii went and suved all thu trollz and brigett and the king bergun mad it ILLEGAL to ET Trollz!!! So tere wuz a big party and wveryone wuz happy and singing but u cause ur emo and dpressd and olny lik tu sng mcr and evanescence.

*•.Time Skip.•*

3 Yers latr Brget nd Kig Griztle wur gettin maried and Briget mad u nd poppi hr bridsemades even tho u we're emo. As u wlked down ta isle all the boy trollz and burgns stared @ you cause u wert so hawt Yu were wering a black gown with blk fishnet gluves nd stockings and red hells and ur hair waz pulled up in a briad. Even King Griztle stared at u drolling which caused the reverned ladi to slapp him. "UR GETIN MARIED BOI DUNT STARE"
Anways you tak ur set and wtach as pOpi elks. down teh isle wit Bridet who is cverd in white baloons. and she luks so cuull!!!1!!
Popi nd Iget talk abut somthin but u can't hear it su ti msg not bee impentant. ANYSWAY Poppy Pops (a/n: Ha git it??) tah ballons nd Briget is wereong a wit jumpsuite w/ rolur skats and she skats to th. alter and smils at Griseld.
The revend lasy stars tlkin and sayin vows n stuff when ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!1!!! A voc scrums out "HEY!!! I'm lukkin 4 som1!!"

End Chtwr Wne!!1!1!!!1!

(a/n: Omggaaa how culd tat be?? omg omg)

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