Chapter One - The Call

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Joy was something hard to find, even two whole years after the Kraang's arrival. Each Hamato wanted nothing more to escape after such a thing; to escape their nightmares, to escape their pain, to escape themselves. Each and every one of them was walking on a tightrope of their own, trying their best not to fall. Everyone but Leo, who was stuck at the beginning of the longest, thinnest one. He had held onto it for dear life by hand rather than moving. Moving risked getting hurt. If he fell off of his rope, the other three would dive just to attempt to save him.

Despite how stationary he'd been when recovering though, he did make a little bit of very, very slow progress, on occasion. His brooch, for example, was something he currently cherished the most. He could leave the house during the day openly without covering his face, and who doesn't love having fabulous hair you can flip in people's faces?

Hiding your identity doesn't fix anything though, does it? Despite the fact he would finally smile, and even though he would crack a good joke more often, there was still something off about the look in his eyes. Something bittersweet, a hidden pain, almost as though he felt there was more missing than just one of his arms. His experiences had left him never the same, and it hurt. All he could do was try to find ways to fill that metaphorical hole inside of him.

Lucky enough for him, he wasn't single anymore.

He didn't live in the country, no, but he was a comforting presence. The only drawback was Leo pretending to be human, which yes, was absolutely a bad idea, but what else could he have done? He couldn't freak out someone he cared about, I mean who does that?? It wasn't ideal, of course, but the guy made him feel just as at home as his brothers did. Almost, at least.

There was something about him that drew Leo in. Perhaps it was their similar humor and interests, or maybe it was how pretty he looked. Maybe it was the scars on his face that gave him a touch of mysteriousness that left Leo constantly curious knowing he too had secrets of his own. It could have been many, many things. All Leo knew was he loved him.

Leonardo, of course, never said those words to him though, despite having dated him for almost a year now. His boyfriend, Usagi, had, but... Leo was scared to say it back. The commitment was terrifying to him, especially with all the lies and kept secrets. Usagi was never upset with him for this though, he understood. It felt rushed to Leo and that was that, he shouldn't be complaining over someone's discomfort. That's not fair to him.

      The level of respect this man had was so, so strange to the slider. He was kind, but impulsive, something rather charming in his opinion. If he weren't just some human, Leo would see him as the perfect example of what a hero is meant to be. He was kind, sharp, witty, and most likely a leader despite his lack of thinking ahead. Sure, if Usagi were put in that position he'd probably be rather awful at first, but c'mon, who isn't at times?

Leo stared at his phone screen, at the beautiful pale boy in front of him, and let out a wistful sigh, deep in thought. Usagi notices, then chuckles.

"Admiring my looks again I see!" He smirks. He then flips his hair as a tease, which was currently down unlike his usual high ponytail.

"When do I not admire you?" Leo replies.

"D'aww. Never."

Leo blew a kiss at the phone he held, and the boy on the other side grinned and did an overdramatic swoon, the slightest hint of red on his face. Leo liked seeing Usagi blush. It complimented his eyes.

"So," Usagi began, letting out a chuckle. "Before I forget, since I think I may have to go soon, I have news."

The slider then rolled onto his back, the phone still in hand.
"Oh? Tell me about it."

He rested his chin on his hand. "I am moving."

"Hoho, really now? Where to?"


"Guess?" Leo scoffed, though there was a smile on his face nonetheless. "I know, like, no places in Japan. I can't guess, babes."

"Who said I'd still be in Japan?"

His eyes widened, and he sat back up.
"Whaaaahahat another country?"

"Yeah! Yes!"
Usagi leaned towards his phone, now showing only his eyes and part of his nose.

"Again? Oh please be America."

He leaned back. "Ding ding!"

Leo then brung the phone close to his face.
".......New York? Pretty please New York??"

"YES!! Oughh, you ruined the surprise!!" Usagi yelled out, falling backward and onto the floor in excitement followed by a quiet 'Ow'.

Leo grinned upon hearing the news. This was exciting!! He would get to meet his boyfriend for the first time, and kiss his dumb face and-!!

....And hide himself even more.

His smile faltered ever so slightly, but he attempted to keep up the look as Usa continued to speak. He was excited, and Leo knew that and supported that. Leo was excited too! But... at the same time, this couldn't have been any more terrifying for him. He adored this man, but if he found out anything then suddenly Leonardo would be done for, and lose him, and probably everything else he loved because everyone thinks his existence was faked for video publicity and- ...ugh.

Lying was his specialty, though, wasn't it?  The face man's manipulative talent to get away with everything he wanted and more. But he hated using it with him. This kind goofball of a man was one of the best things in his life. He couldn't ruin what they had for either of them.

Maybe it'd have been better if neither of them had it at all, no matter how much he adored him.

"....Usagi, I-"

The human turned his head and yelled something in Japanese before looking back.
"I've gotta go now. Packing! Talk later?"

"....Yeah. Talk later." He mumbled.

"Okay! Bye!!"

He blew a kiss and hung up.

....Leo was fucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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