David's POVi
:So yeah... That just happened what the fuck is wrong with people!: David thought as the nurses laughed on their way out. :And no I don't feel "all better!!!": He mentally screamed at them.
"Go on in children" Isabelle said to her two kids. David felt four little arms hug him and he heard a little girl crying. :are those... Oh my gosh, my kids. Finally they can come see me!:David had been in to bad of a condition for visitors, for about 2 months, and what a long 2 months that was. He couldn't tell up from down, and the darkness he saw daily was infuriating.
The doctor had sensed that David could in fact here what was going on. And started talking to him more, telling him how we was doing, what the weather was like, and that his kids were quite fine in school. Life for Isabelle had gotten harder. At first she blamed herself for the accident. Saying that if only she wouldn't have gone to work that day. Or maybe if she would've gotten off earlier. But she didn't and she couldn't change the past. She just wanted her husband back. At night when the kids were asleep she would drink away her sorrows. Bottle after bottle she went, all through the night...
RandomDavid Walters had a normal life, until the accident. He had gone into coma and lost, what felt like everything. This is his story of how he survived...