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"She drank from you?"

DAMON AND XAVIER ARE SITTING AT THE BAR, DRINKING. Damon was sad and upset, thinking it was his house. Sheriff Forbes comes up next to him and pulls out a chair.

"That seat's taken" Damon said. Sheriff Forbes throws down a newspaper in front of Damon and moves to his other side. Damon takes the paper and reads the headline.

"Faulty gas line leads to tragic explosion at Young farm." Damon read loudly as Xavier remembered that day. "Really?" Damon throws the paper down.

"Better than 'Town Council blown up. Police have no suspects.' Unless the perpetrator is right next to me." Sheriff Forbes said.

"Well, don't look at me. I always take credit for killing people" Damon said. "Seriously, stop looking at me like that, Liz. If I was going to kill twelve people, I wouldn't blow them up, I would d have a dinner party."

"The explosion was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident" Liz said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Xavier said.

"The Council's dead, Liz. Me and Xavier see that as a win." Damon said and Xavier nodded.

"I have known some of the Council since I was a kid. They were my friends." She said.

"Well, your friends tried to kill your daughter." Damon said. "Who's the new guy?" Damon asked as he noticed a new guy who walked up to them.

"Excuse me, Sheriff. Hi, um, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute about the explosion at the Young farm." He said.

" I'm sorry, Mr..?"

" Oh, Connor Jordan." He said as Connor holds his hand out to her. He is wearing a black glove. Liz takes his hand and shakes it.

" Are you with the insurance investigators?"

"No, no, I am more of an independent contractor. Can we speak in private?" He asked, not wanting Damon and Xavier to hear anything.

" Sure."


" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Busybody Guy." Damon said to himself as Xavier rolled his eyes. "Where is your sister?"

"Kol is leaving town again and she is saying goodbye to him." Xavier explained and Damon rolled his eyes. "She still hates you."

"I know."

"Do you still love Elena?" Xavier asked his best friend who nodded, "Uuuh, how stupid was I to think that it would be funny to watch you falling for your heartbreaker's shadow."

"Shut up"

"Lina was right when she said, you don't have a taste in girls, buddy."


Bonnie is lying on the couch. Stefan and Xavier are banging on her front door.

"Bonnie? Bonnie, I know you're in there. I can hear you breathing. Bonnie, please, it's important." Stefan said and Bonnie got up opening the door.

"Hey. You alright?" Xavier asked and she nodded.

"Can we come in, please?" He asked and Bonnie nods her head. Xavier walks in and embraces her. She begins to cry. The three move into the living room to talk.

"My Grams, it was like she was dying all over again. Just because I didn't listen to her about not doing black magic." Bonnie explained as Xavier  hold her hand calming her down

"Well, you are dealing with the Other Side. It's not reliable. Witches were probably just messing with your head trying to teach you a lesson." Stefan explained and Xavi nodded.

"Well, it worked. I tried to do a basic nature spell this morning just to clear my head and it just brought it all back. Like it was happening all over again. Sorry, I am a mess, I have been holed up in here avoiding everyone. I have completely blown off Jamie." Bonnie said and Xavier shook his head. She sighs. "You came here because you needed something, right?"

Stefan gets up to leave. "Yeah, but, it can wait." He said.

"No, come on. Stefan, I'm okay. You're not exactly a drop by kind of guy, just...if something's wrong, tell me." Bonnie said and Xavier did not like it but he couldn't stop her.

" Alright, these burn to the touch. Could just be steeped in vervain, but this writing, have you ever seen anything like this before?" Stefan explained/ asked.

"No. It's not magical writing, if that's what you are thinking." Bonnie replied. "Where'd you get these?"

"I think we have a new vampire hunter in town."

"That's bad timing."


Angelina walked towards the church. Stefan shows up and sees Elena walking back inside and Damon picking up the blood bag and putting it away. Damon looks up and sees Stefan and Angelina. He starts to walk away. Two best friends follow him.

"Ah, great." Damon said to himself.

"What's in the bag, Damon?" Stefan asked as Angelina followed.

"Mid-service snack. Church always gets me hungry. The whole blood of Christ thing, you know." Damon said and Stefan glares at him. "I brought it for Elena."

" Are you really that intent on having your way?" Angelina asked.

"It's not my way, it's the only way."

"If she hurts someone, she will be desperate to turn the guilt off. Maybe even desperate enough to shut off her humanity." Stefan said.

"What and become a Ripper?" Damon said.

"Damon!" Angelina snapped.

"I can't let her be anything like me." Stefan said.

"Well, God forbid, she is anything like me. That's really what you are thinking. She's gonna go off the rails eventually, anyways, Stefan, so the faster we can make it happen, the sooner we can get her back on track."  Damon said and Angelina rolled her eyes.

"She's strong. If we help her, she can survive this." Stefan said.

"She's starving, Stefan! She hasn't been able to keep blood down for days." Damon said and Stefan gave him a confused face.

"What are you talking about? She told me she was fine." Stefan said.

"Well, then she lied. Your four-legged protein shake was a bust. The juice box is a no go. She can't even keep my blood down." Damon said.

"She drank from you?" Angelina asked.

"Oops! I said that out loud?

Damon walks away. Stefan looks hurt. Angelina rolls her eyes and starts walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"I just realized that it, I made mistake for coming here." Angelina said and left.




Nothing interesting happened in this chapter.

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