Midgardian Skating--Y/n x Loki

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"Oh c'mon baby!"

Y/N says to Loki as she puts on her skating shoes.

"I will not be participating in your silly Midgardian activities." Loki says, crossing his arms over his chest.

Y/n and Loki met each other when Thor took Jane and a few of her friends to visit Asgard. Her and Loki ran into each other when they were both reading in the library. They talked for a little bit and after a few months, they started dating.  Y/n decided to stay with Loki on Asgard even when Jane and everyone else left. After a few months, Y/n wanted to go back to Earth and show Loki everything she did during her childhood.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Can you at least try and roller skate? For me?" She added with puppy dog eyes.

Loki sighs, trying to seem annoyed but Y/n can see the hint of the smile tugging at his mouth.

"Ok fine. I will skate roller, or whatever you Midgardian's call this, for you, my little dove."

"Thank you baby." Y/n says as she rolls over to him and kisses him on the cheek then goes into the rink.

"Why did I agree to this?" Loki mumbles to himself as he ties his skates.

Once he's finished tying his skates, he goes to stand up and wobbles like a bobble head.

Loki gulps, nervous because he doesn't want to fall and embarrass himself. He his the god of mischief and the prince of Asgard, after all.

"You coming Loki?" Y/n calls to him when she finishes her 2nd lap around the rink and she's close to where Loki and her tied their skates.

"Yeah. Just...getting used to it." He says looking down at his skates.

"Okay." Y/n says before continuing to skate.

Loki goes to take a step and he immediately slips and falls.

"Ow!" He yelps and Y/n looks back at him as she is rolls around the corner of the rink.

"Are you ok?" She calls out to Loki.

"Yeah I'm fine." He calls back. So far, they've gotten a few weird looks from the other people in the building.

He goes to get up again but falls again so he decides he'll crawl on his hands and knees to get over to Y/n so she can help him.

As Loki crawls, he can't help but mentally curse himself for embarrassing himself like this.

It only takes a few minutes for Loki to get to Y/n because she saw him crawling and immediately stopped.

"Hey." He says, trying to sound casual as he looks up at her.

Y/n giggles. "Do you need some help, Loki?"

"I might seem to need help with your Midgardian activity."

Y/n helps Loki up and once he is up, he grabs onto the rail to steady himself.

"You good now?" Y/n says teasingly.


"Ok, hold my hand and just more your foot like you're pushing something out of the way with your feet."

"Uh...makes total sense."

Loki tries to do what Y/n told him to do, but he just ends up falling, almost landing in the splits.

Y/n burst out laughing.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone struggle with roller skating this much." She manages out in between laughs.

"Do not tell Thor about any of this." Loki says as he struggles to stand.

"No promises!" Y/n says as she helps him up.

"Now just hold my hand and I'll guide you through the motions."

After about 20 minutes, Loki finally doesn't fall when Y/n lets him skate on his own.

"You did it!" She says fro mother sidelines of the rink. She took off her skates so she could help Loki.

"I'm doing it! Uh how do I stop?" Loki continues to skate at a pretty fast speed right towards the wall.

"Y/N! Help me stop!"

"Just sit down on the ground!"

But it's too late.

Loki collides with the wall and falls to the floor with a loud thud.

"Loki!" Y/n runs over to where Loki is.

"Are you ok? Did you break anything? Where does it hurt? Do you need—" Loki cuts her off.

"Baby I'm fine." He sits up with a grunt.

"All I need is a little ice." He winces and rubs his shoulder. "And maybe some ibuprofen."

Y/n laughs a loud and helps him up.

"I love you, you know that right?" Loki says, taking her hands in his.

"Yes, yes I do."

"Well I do not love this. Please never make me do this again."

She smiles. "Oh come here you goofball!"

Y/n pulls him into a passionate kiss and he returns it.

It's one of those kisses where everything around you disappears and it's just you and the one you love.

Eventually, Y/n pulls away.  "Let's get you some ice, God of Clumsiness."

Loki laughs and kisses her again.

"I love you, Y/n Y/L/n."

A/N: I hope you liked this one! Some parts were a little corny but I like it!

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