Ch 18

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  She was a little emotional, her face was flushed, her lips were tightly pressed, and she turned around and wanted to run out.

   But Jisoo stopped her directly.

   "Why are you going?"

  Jisoo looked at her, smiling at her with a gentle look.

  But Jiang Yi just wanted to push her away and run out. It seemed that if she ran out, this matter would no longer exist, and it would have nothing to do with her.

  Jisoo held her arm tightly with both hands: "Don't be afraid, classmate Jiang Yi, as long as you make it clear that you have nothing to do with this matter, we won't stop you anymore."

  Jiang Yi looked at Jisoo with red eyes.

  How could she have nothing to do with this matter, now the key evidence is on her, if no one tells the truth, then she is framing Lisa, and she will bear everything.

  She can't let this happen! She must not have such a stain! If parents find out...

  Jiang Yi was so flustered that she couldn't run out, so she turned her head to look at Tzuyu, and took a few steps to grab her arm.

   "You promised me! You said we..."

"You shut up!"

   Lu Tzuyu interrupted her mercilessly.

  Qian Sana also turned her head to look at Lu Tzuyu, and she turned her head to look at the whole class who were blocking the door.


  She can't escape after all, no matter how this matter ends, she won't be able to stay in the class well, and no one will want to talk to her in the future.

  Looking at them, Lisa smiled slightly, her legs dangling.

   "Is there no one to say anything? Dare to do it or not, Mr. Lang, is this the student you teach?"

  Mr. Lang stared at Lisa angrily.

  He turned his head to look at Huo Jungkook, and always felt that Lisa's words were revenge before he said that Huo Jungkook would not discipline students.

  Mr. Lang turned to look at Lisa again: "What do you want!"

   Lisa looked at him calmly: "Then do you think I cheated?"

  Mr. Lang clenched his hands, and stared at Lisa with red eyes, as if he had been greatly insulted.

  He kept his mouth shut tightly, Jiang Yi couldn't stand anymore.

She looked at Teacher Lang, and a student standing behind Teacher Lang also pulled Teacher Lang's clothes from behind. She was the one who reported it with Tzuyu, and she didn't want to be penalized by the school for this incident. In the end, they have to complain to my parents...

  Teacher Lang felt his student's pleading, he clenched his fingers tightly, and the veins on his arms burst out.

   "Okay! Even if you didn't cheat!"

Forced to be the boss / liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now