18~ Blessed Father

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Ardhansh's POV
(Five Years Ago)

I was sitting inside my office, thinking about my messed up life, I didn't feel like working at all.

I remembered I was going to ask Akhil to check on her as her due date was coming near, but due to my hectic schedule forgot.

I lifted my phone to dial his number only to inform him to check on her but halted.

I don't want to show her that I care, I care for her, even if it's me who is giving her pain.

A chuckle left my mouth what an irony!! Fuck with your care fucking bastard.

I cursed myself and held my head in my both palms.

I couldn't even express my pain to her my guilt, why can't I? Sometimes it feels like I should tell her everything, but again she would be the one in danger and I would die if anything happened to her.

What a hypocrite!!!

I sighed and opened the gallery on my phone before staring at her image, she was napping on the sofa and that's when I took this picture.

Nine months ago the first time I forced her sexually I was clueless about the little human present in her belly, but when the next day I saw the bloody mess my heart was out of control.

I was too selfish!!! Maybe I didn't love her enough that's why I didn't think twice before raping her.

I wanted to kill myself for doing that sin but that day I just didn't kill her, I killed myself too.

I immediately took her to the hospital but the shock I got was beyond my imagination.

She was pregnant!!!! But how? I always took care that she wouldn't get pregnant, I never used condoms or any safety but made sure that Aarini gave her birth control pills.

But how? The question killed me but I assured myself that nothing could be 100% safe.

But my mind never agreed to it nor now? I am still sure there is something I am missing.

I didn't know how to react, there was no doubt, that the blood in her womb was mine, I did not doubt her hell not a single thought of doubt crossed my mind, I would kill myself before doubting her.

I knew I was the first man whom she let touch her soul, and her body and she was the last woman I gave myself to, there was no place for any third person in between us, not Yashika too.

So I didn't think twice and decided to abort it, I knew that the baby would bring more problems for us and to my surprise she didn't neglect that idea for once.

She too never wanted that baby and I don't know why but somehow it pierced my heart, it was her body and I was no one forcing that unwanted child on her.

but then the Doctor's words shocked us, she had some measure problem in her uterus and if she aborted the child there would be no chance that she would get pregnant again.

So I decided to let her keep it not knowing what the future was vowing for us.

After that day I neglected meeting her but there was no day I didn't see her. The CCTV footage helped me to keep her in front of my eyes.

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