𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 3

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Instead of gathering evidence along with his friends, I decided that as soon as school was out I'd approach Felix and ask him myself. Was it a stupid idea? Yes. Was it better than having unnecessary rumors go around his back? Also yes.

Trying to find him among all the students rushing out of class at the same time was hard, and at last I ended up finding him by his locker. I approached him nervously.

"Hey, Felix right?" He froze where he stood.

"..Yeah?" He replied silently.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, I saw you enter geography with blood on your neck earlier" He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I casted a quick glance towards his neck again, and he hadn't cleaned it, just left it to dry. "I can help you clean it and avoid infection-"

"Won't be necessary." His tone changed completely, and then he slammed his locker shut.

"I- Sorry?" I looked at him as he turned his dark gaze towards me

"Mind your own business" He said and stormed off.

"Sorry for caring about your well being then" I mumbled quietly and made my way towards the cafeteria, where the rest of the group was sitting.

Entering the cafeteria felt like a mistake.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost" I said, as I was met with 7 guys who looked terrified and then relieved when they saw me.

"Where were you?! We were worried!" Minho stood up, hands on the table as he shouted at me.

"I wasn't gone for that long?" I looked at the time and confirmed it, I had only been gone for 5 minutes, my interaction with Felix wasn't that long after all. "What's this about?"

"You disappeared right after class! You're new, we have the right to worry!" Hyunjin replied.

"...Touché. I was talking to Felix, at least trying to. I felt like that was better than going around his back. His neck was still bleeding, so I offered to help but he got mad"

"He's bleeding?" Minho looked really worried, I guess Chan was right, he'd do anything for his brother.

"In my opinion it looked more like he was attacked rather than attacking" Jeongin said and I agreed.

"YOU THINK MY BROTHER WOULD ATTACK PEOPLE?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." Minho stormed off and the rest of us started working on the assignments in regret.

Except for Seungmin, who seemed anxious. I wasn't the only one to notice. He kept checking his phone every 5 minutes or something. Seeing him anxious made me anxious, and I couldn't help but feel like something was missing, but I didn't know what. Was it because of Felix and Minho?

"I'll go talk to Minho, you guys don't stay here too long and please for god's sake go sleep, y'all looked dead this morning" Chan said and walked away.

"Hey Y/n, I'll follow you to your dorm, like a charming prince" Jeongin laughed at his own little joke and I nodded while smiling. What a dork.

"Bye guys, sleep well" Hyunjin waved as Jeongin and I made our way out of the cafeteria.

I was for a fact not going to sleep well. Jeongin and I were walking up the stairs talking about life before we both enrolled in this school, and we ended up being so caught up in the subject, I barely noticed that the door to the dorm wasn't locked.

"Strange, I could've sworn I locked it this morning" I cautiously opened the door, only to be hit with a gust of wind.

The window by my bed was shattered and there was glass and blood all over the floor. I found a similar note to the one I found yesterday, it read "I'll do anything for you". Jeongin placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at the note too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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