19~ It's Yashika???

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Author's POV

He felt the loss of words to even utter through his lips, and his heart drummed loudly in his ribcage.

"She would be busy with her work baby, she would come to meet you soon," Yana answered him with a forced smile and Ayaan stared at her blinking his eyes rapidly.


"You didn't tell me did you like the Gift Akhil uncle gave you?"

Ardhansh cut him off and diverted the topic not wanting to increase the conversation on that matter.

"Yeah I loved it but Vlishu too wanted it should I give it to him?"

Ardhansh smiled hearing it Yagya too has a habit of taking his things and now their sons, "Yeah Give it to him I will buy you another one."

Ayaan smiled and asked, "Would you take me with you Papa?"

He heard his question and again felt the words getting stuck inside his throat.

He can't take him with himself, Not in the current situation.

"Baby not now, once Mumma is back I will take you home," He whispered, the words were barely audible to his ears.

Ayaan's smile fell but he immediately masked it not wanting to trouble his father and replied, "Okay."

Yana only stared at him and her son, who innocently smiled and hugged his father while suppressing his sorrow.

"Papa, do you know Masi Maa?"

He asked making Ardhansh look at Yana who just gave him a bitter smile in return.

He forcefully averted his eyes from her and let out, "I know Bachha, she lives with me."

Yana didn't expect straightforward truth from him but he was always unpredictable and she didn't have any doubt.

Ayaan lifted his eyes and asked, "Did you meet Ae-

"Aayu baby it's time to go to your room, papa isn't going anywhere, he would come to meet you daily," Yaksha interrupted him and Yana's irrational heartbeat came to a halt.

She was thankful to her mother for the help or what would have happened she didn't even want to imagine.

Ayaan wanted to spend more time in his father's arms, after all, it was the first time he sat on his father's lap, but he didn't wish to look clingy and make his first impression bad on his father so he nodded his head like a good child.

Yana saw he was going away and her heart dropped, She bent to her knees and said with a sad smile, "Baby won't you give me a hug?"

Ayaan bit his lip and turned to look at his father who immediately assured him with his eyes and he ran into her arms before hugging her tightly.

Yana hugged him back and planted a kiss on his hair, she didn't leave him but her hold loosened after hearing his words, "I loved the butter toast, would you make it once again for me."

A huge smile broke on her lips, and she replied while moving away from him, "I will cook so many dishes for you promise."

Ayaan smiled and planted a kiss on her cheek before silently walking away.

Suddenly he turned and muttered to Ardhansh, "I love you, Papa."

"We love you too."

Ardhansh replied and noticed his confused eyes, he chuckled and explained briefly while eyeing Yana, "Me and Mumma."

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now