Aperture Science

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 Hello, Portal fan!


You are a Portal fan, right?

It doesn't matter.

Though if you are playing Portal 2 but didn't finish it,


Run away, finish the game and come back.

Now, for those who didn't play it or don't remember:


Aperture Science is a huge facility in upper Michigan created by Cave Johnson (and Caroline is his successor, FYI), where they study stuff like matter teleportation and other complicated things I don't understand. They created the portal device, which can, you know, create portals. To manage the huge facility, they created GLaDOS, a Super-smart A.I. (that tends to kill everyone). Different test subjects (Androids) tried (under the careful look of GLaDOS)the portal gun (but many failed and died) but one succeeded : Chell. But when she was supposed to burn and die (ouch), she escaped. Then, she reached GLaDOS and killed her (kinda). Years Later : Chell is in the Aperture extended relaxation center (For a loooooooooooong time. About 9999999999 days, apparently, LOL). She meets Wheatley and discovers that all (most) test subjects are... well, dead. She retrieves the portal gun and Wheatley and she set out to leave Aperture. In the process, they accidentally wake up GLaDOS. After a few test chambers, Wheatley finds his way back to Chell. Yadda, Yaddi, Yadda, Wheatley replaces GLaDOS and gets a God-like complex. He turns GLaDOS into a potato (PotatOS!!!) and pushes Chell and the newly potatoed GLaDOS into a pit. They then find their way back to Wheatley (which turned out to be designed to make GLaDOS less smart so she would stop killing everyone, FYI). GLaDOS puts corrupt cores onto Wheatley to corrupt him (Duh). Chell opens a portal on the moon and Wheatley is stuck in space.

For more info, well, YouTube is your best friend.

(*BTW, Black Mesa is a rival of Aperture)

I took some liberty for my story, so if some things don't add up with the story... NO BIGGIE!

More info on the characters!:

-MAGoTT is supposed to be the voice that instructs you in Portal.

-P-body and Atlas are the robot test subjects GLaDOS created while Chell tried to reach her with Wheatley.

-AMaDEUS and ABRaHAM are my creations and they are Black Mesa*'s versions of MAGoTT and GLaDOS.

-Caroline was Aperture's CEO after Cave Johnson.

-GLaDOS is supposed to be the new CEO and be like Caroline, hens the Caroline program they're talking about.

-Cave Johnson's body was put into a giant robot head to keep him alive (kinda) forever.

-To keep GLaDOS from murdering everyone with deadly neurotoxine, they (Aperture) gave her different personality cores, such as Wheatley, supposed to make her concentrate on dumb things instead of killing. They finally abandoned the idea and settled for an Emotion core, a Curiosity core, an Information core and a Conscious core.


Chapter One :


"wEll. NOw sHe'S GoNE."

It was all GLaDOS could think to say. She felt relieved, yet somehow... alone.

But... She shouldn't feel that way. After all, she was an AI. No, scratch that, she was a

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