❇ ˙ ๋࣭ ·A Child Of This War· ๋࣭ ˙ ❇

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❇ ˙ ๋࣭ ·A Child Of This War· ๋࣭ ˙ ❇

   It was a day like any other within the orphanage. You woke up in your shared room, bleary eyes fixated on the water-damaged ceiling, it was a manageable amount even if water would fall onto your face sometimes. You swung your legs out of the bed, slightly recoiling at the cold wooden floor against your bare feet. You grumbled and fully stood from the bed and walked to the end of your bed, opening the trunk that sat there, and placed your junior high uniform on your bed before walking around and rousing the two other junior high girls that you shared the room with before taking your uniform and heading to the bathroom to change.

    Stepping out of the bathroom you headed to the kitchen, your clothed feet making soft sounds against the creaky floors. You grabbed a breakfast bar and left the half-full box out for the other kids before grabbing the bag you had left by the door the previous day. Sitting by the door you slid on your shoes and stood up, dusting off the pants that were part of your uniform, technically part of the boy's uniform but the teachers didn't care enough to correct your uniform infractions.

   Walking to school you kept your eyes on the ground trying to ignore the grotesque monsters that seemed to be everywhere, clinging to people and buildings. The things were deformed and while they weren't openly viscous to you they did seem to weigh down the people they were attached to. You had been able to see these monsters for as long as you could remember.

    Walking with your eyes down didn't do you any favors for situational awareness and you ran into someone, sending you sprawling to the ground and dropping your school bag and the other person to drop their phone. Looking up you could see a ridiculously tall man who wore a blindfold. "I'm very sorry sir" You mumbled and grabbed your school bag before reaching for his phone, intending to return it to them, man. Your outstretched hand recoiled as one of the monster things from earlier ran past. Shaking off the encounter you grabbed the phone and handed it to the tall man before excusing yourself and racing towards your school, at this rate you would be seriously late. The man looked at your running figure and then at the small curse that you had flinched away from 'Interesting, normally kids her age shouldn't be able to see curses' He thought and resumed trying to find the overwhelming cursed energy that he was sensing.

    Panting as you rushed into the school, swapping out your shoes and running to your class, much to the hall monitors displeasure as they shouted at your retreating figure. You slid open the door to your class and huffed out a breath as you sat in your seat. Your teacher began to drone on with her shrill voice, explaining that your 6th grade class had been partnered up with a 4th grade class and you would be reading books to the younger kids.

    The teacher walked to the door and slid it open, allowing the class of snot eaters into the room. A frazzled-looking woman walked in after them, trying to corral the children into a group in front of your class, the poor woman looked to be on the verge of tears as she finally got the smaller kids to line up at the chalkboard. Your teacher patted her on the arm and began to read from a list, partnering everyone from your junior high class with one of the smaller children. There were more elementary kids than junior high kids so you ended up with two kids instead of one. You were assigned a girl named Hanako and a boy named Takeru. Hanako was the sweetest kid you'd ever come across as she walked up to you, clutching onto a few picture books meanwhile Takeru was devil spawn. He attempted to overturn your desk and he tried rummaging through your school bag before you were able to snatch it away from him.

    Reading to these kids was exhausting and just as you set down a picture book and reached for another to read to them Hanako grabbed your attention. "Y/n, what's that outside in the sky? '' she mumbled with her face buried into the collar of her sweater. Assuming she had been talking about a bird you looked out the window to see if it was a pigeon or any other bird you could identify, maybe it was a shrike. To your surprise an inky blackness was spreading through the sky and encasing the school grounds and for once other students were beginning to see what you thought only you could.

⌁˚⊹ Monochromatic⊹˚⌁ (jjk x reader)Where stories live. Discover now