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June 15, 2023

Rays of sunlight fell through the huge window and tickled Mingi's nose. He stretched slowly and opened his eyes. Every morning when he woke up, it took him minutes to realize where he was and that everything that had happened wasn't just a stupid dream. This time it was different.

His thoughts immediately wandered to Yunho and he looked to the side, but Yunho's side of the bed was empty. Mingi sat down thoughtfully and looked around, but the room was empty as usual. Mingi remembered that Yunho said he had to get up early, but he was still worried. Mingi rolled back into bed. Why should he get up when he had nothing to do anyway.

Without even realizing it, he turned in the direction Yunho was sleeping. His scent enveloped Mingi like a bubble and subconsciously he knew that he would love this smell forever. His eyes wandered over the crumpled pillow where Yunho's head had been lying yesterday, over the carefully folded blanket that Yunho had snuggled into the night before. Mingi sighed. Then his eyes suddenly lingered on one spot. The covers had turned dark red in one spot. It was so dark that it almost looked brown, but Mingi knew it was blood.

With a worried feeling, he let his head sink back into the pillow. He wondered what had happened to Yunho, where he and San had been for days and why he was hurt. He wondered where Yunho was right now and whether he was in pain. Mingi lay there lost in thought for a while, then he got up. He was going to go insane. Resolutely, he left Yunho's room and trudged into the bathroom. His curiosity once again made him want to explore the rest of the house, but after his encounter with Hongjoong a few days ago, Mingi no longer dared to do so.

Mingi looked into the large bathroom mirror and observed himself. His hair had become quite long and kept falling into his face. Mingi looked around and discovered a black bracelet. He took it and tied a ponytail. Then he started brushing his teeth and his thoughts wandered back to Yunho.


Mingi sat cross-legged in front of the large window in Yunho's room and meditated. He needed a clear head. He wanted to finally stop thinking about Yunho and find inner peace, but it wasn't working.

There was a knock and Yeosang came in with his food. He looked confused when he spotted Mingi. "What are you doing?" he asked, a bit amused. Mingi didn't look up and continued to stay in his position with his back to Yeosang. "Trying not to go crazy." Mingi mumbled and slowly began to stretch his arms. Yeosang chuckled. "Then I won't bother you," Yeosang said and was about to leave again when Mingi jumped up. "Do you know where Yunho is?" he asked with wide eyes.

Yeosang had to stifle a laugh. "The others are all at a meeting with Hongjoong's father." Mingi looked at him in surprise. Yeosang smiled. "They meet once a week to discuss things with him." Mingi nodded slowly. "And you're not going?" Yeosang shook his head. "I'm not allowed." Mingi tilted his head. "Says who?" "Hongjoong." Yeosang walked to the door and the subject was apparently over. Mingi thought it was weird that they always excluded Yeosang but he definitely didn't want to interfere.

"Do you know when they're coming back?" Mingi asked, although he was really only interested in when Yunho would be back. "I think sometime tonight," Yeosang said before leaving Mingi alone again. With an annoyed groan, Mingi dropped back onto the floor. Who would have thought that he would ever be so bored. He desperately needed hobbies.


It was already dark. Mingi lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling. He felt like a dried-up earthworm fighting for his last seconds on the asphalt. He didn't feel like waiting any longer.
He stood up resolutely. If everyone was gone anyway, he could walk around a bit, couldn't he?

Without hesitation, he left the room and walked through the corridor to the stairs. He walked down and arrived in the already familiar living room. He turned the corner and looked around. There were three corridors that connected to the living room and the kitchen. Seonghwa and Hongjoong had disappeared into one corridor last time. He wouldn't go that way. Mingi decided to go in the opposite direction. The corridor was quite dark, but he soon came to a new room. He looked around in amazement. There were shelves of weapons and clothing everywhere.

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