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The Alpha, sitting tall and commanding on his throne, exuding authority with every cold expression. The room was filled with tension as every family member, including Mr. and Mrs. Jeon and Halmeoni, was present, waiting for what's to come.

Just then, taetae enters the room, holding the little hands of his adorable fluff ball. The tiny creature looks around with wide bambi eyes, taking in the serious atmosphere. As taekook locked eyes, there was a palpable shift in the room. Jungkook straightens his posture, a clear signal for Guggie to come closer.

Guggie left his mother's hand and ran towards his dada, who lovingly picks him up and places him on his lap. Jungkook gave him a tender peck on his fluffy cheeks, feeling a pang in his heart knowing the difficult decision he's about to make.

With an emotionless face, he glances at his omega, whose eyes were puffy and red from crying.

Taetae looks down, fiddling with his fingers, aware of what his hubby is about to announce. The atmosphere was filled with displeasure, as everyone anticipates the Alpha's words.

Jungkook clears his throat to gain everyone's attention, his gaze fixed on his omega, who silently weeps, looking vulnerable and fragile little baby.

He begins,

"As you all know, I called you here for an important announcement. To not take up much of your time, I'll get straight to it..........*he took a deep breath*........My son is the future of my kingdom, who is gonna carry my legacy,my successor. Although he's a male omega, I want him to grow, to become the best leader he can be."

" However, I believe that our love and care might make him weak if he remains in his mother's care company." He looked at his omega.

The room falls silent as the Alpha continues,

"Therefore, in accordance with our ritual, I've made the decision to send my son far away from us, to train him for his better future and to become a great leader for my kingdom."

Taetae's eyes widen in shock, tears welling up as if someone has snatched his heart out of his ribcage.

Everyone in the room was taken aback, their minds racing with anticipation. They expected the Alpha to address his second marriage prank, but instead, his words took a different turn, leaving everyone shocked and heartbroken at this heart wrenching news.

"J-jungkook." Halmeoni called him in shock.

Meanwhile, little Guggie sat innocently on his dada's lap admiring his strong father, oblivious to the weight of the situation. He giggled as he played with his dad's hands, completely unaware of the storm that was about to hit in his little life.

Poor taetae couldn't handle the weight of his words and ended up fainting on the floor. Everyone gasped in shock!


Jungkook quickly rushed over and picked up his little queen in his arms, shouting for a doctor."CALL THE DOCTOR!" he exclaimed.
"There's no need to worry, he's going to be fine," the doctor reassured the Alpha, who stood by his Omega, gently caressing his locks. "But please make sure he takes proper rest and doesn't freak out or stress about anything. And pay attention to his diet too. It seems like he hasn't been eating healthy lately, and his body is still weak. He needs proper care."

"Okay, we will take care of him. Thank you, doctor." Mrs. Jeon expressed her gratitude with a thankful smile,

Just as they were speaking, they felt a slight movement from the Omega, a sign that he was about to wake up soon. Sensing this, the Alpha signaled with his fingers for everyone to leave the room. His face was stern.

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