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It started to rain. It was already dark and cold outside, that just made Yuna worry even more.

She did care, she honestly did.

She regrets the time where she ignored chaeryeong. She wished to go back in time and fix everything.

She soon stopped her car and got out. She didn't care that it was rainy, cold, incredibly windy. She slammed the car door shut behind her and ran, she ran onto the bridge.

Yup. A bridge.

A high bridge, if you jumped off you'd end up in the water, which has loads of rocks inside, and end up dead within a second.

Yuna widened her eyes, her eyes started to shake.

She was right.

Chaeryeong stood on the edge of the bridge, ready to fall forward.

The bridge was incredibly high, which made everything worse.

Yuna began to cry, her heart raced fast and she began to sweat.

"CHAERYEONG!!" She shouted.

Chaeryeong then leaned forward.

Yuna didn't let this happen. She ran over, running as fast as she could. She grabbed Chaeryeong's arm before she could fall off, she grabbed her arm tightly and harshly pulled her down.

Chaeryeong looked up and widened her eyes, her jaw dropping a little.

She was extremely surprised to see Yuna there, crying, clutching onto her tightly.

"C-chaeryeong." She sobbed "chaeryeong... why..."

Chaeryeong gulped and began to cry more then she already was.

Yuna hugged her. Chaeryeong instantly hugged back and clung onto her tightly.

"I'm sorry Yuna, I'm sorry." Chaeryeong whispered.

Yuna gulped. She felt awful. She wished she listened to chaeryeong in the past.

"Please, don't do something silly like that again, you hear me? Live on for me, live on for the others, live on for your fans, too. And your mother. Your mother wanted you to live on, right?" Yuna said.

Chaeryeong gulped, she hugged Yuna tighter when she was suddenly getting flashbacks of her childhood.

Yuna knew about her trauma.

How Chaeryeong's mother died from an illness. Chaeryeong was only young. She had a great bond with her mother.

"Please, live on for me."

"Please, live on for me."

"Please, live on for me."

Those words repeated in Chaeryeong's head 24/7. The last words her mother spoke to her before she had sadly passed.

Once her mother died, she had to live with her alcoholic father.

Her mother and father had actually divorced when chaeryeong was like... seven. She never visited her father, but obviously, when her mother died, she was forced to live with her father. Along with her sister, chaeyeon.

She had a great bond with her sister and they loved each other very much. And they still do, they love each other unconditionally. Sisterly love.

Chaeryeong had to live in the abusive toxic house. That constantly smelt like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. The house was a mess. It was honestly disgusting.

But then, chaeryeong and her sister grew up together, thankfully surviving the toxic household. They moved out together and went to university where they had a dorm and met new friends. They were able to get their dream job.

And that's where they are now.

Yuna grabbed Chaeryeong's hand as they walked to her car. She opened the door for chaeryeong as she climbed inside.

She shut the door and walked round, getting in the drivers seat as she started driving.

It was silent for a moment.

"So. When will you ask Jisu out?" Chaeryeong asked quietly.

Yuna gulped.

"I won't."

Chaeryeong looked at her surprised "you won't? Don't you like... have a massive crush on her?"

"I wanted to ask her out. But.. something was stopping me. I didn't know what it was, but it was bugging me. I tried to ignore it. I went to ask her out but it just got worse. It was like a gigantic wall, stopping me." Yuna explained.

Chaeryeong hummed and nodded.

"Then I realised. Maybe she isn't the one I have a crush on..."

Chaeryeong gulped and looked back up at her.

Yuna kept her focus on the road, continuing to drive.

"I still like someone, very much. But it isn't Jisu."

"Then... who is it?"

Yuna chuckled "I think you know."

Yeji sat in front of the mirror, doing her makeup. A voice startled her, making her jump a little. She smiled once she recognised the voice.

"You don't need makeup. Your beautiful just how you are." Ryujin said, standing behind her and looking at her through the mirror.

Yeji blushed as her heart beat fast, she continued to put on her makeup.

"Thanks baby. But I'm going to an important meeting. I have to look good." Yeji answered.

"Why so late tho? It's... 11 pm."

"We're going to a restaurant, with some other people. It's a small meeting and a talk while having a yummy meal. That's what my manager said anyway." Yeji replied.

"Oh, cool. Just.. I hope no one lays their eyes on you. Because your mine and I don't want that taken away. I hate sharing things that are mine." Ryujin said with a teasing smirk.

Yeji went extremely red as she gulped and couldn't slow her heart beat down.

"Yah, okay, I know. Don't worry, I'm yours and yours only."

Ryujin smiled and placed a kiss on the side of her neck from behind.

"Good to know."

Ryujin walked away, leaving yeji smiling.


Anyway, how are ya'll?


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