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To everyone who found this story, I wanna say that this is the first time I'm trying to write something. I've put my heart and soul into writing this, so I hope you'll love and appreciate it. Your likes and comments are always welcomed and it will motivate me a lot! If I made any mistake kindly forgive me. Love you all!



"I wrote your name in the stars
I told the moon about you
I found you in sunsets & sunrises
I knew I could always love you from afar
Aren't the best things always admired from a distance?
A piece of beautiful art on the museum wall
I could never bring home and call my own
So I'll say your name to the dandelions and blow
Because the only thing I could do, was to let you go"

Note- italics denote flashbacks.

M. A. N. I. K

"Can i sit here? "

Spoke a pretty girl with a symphonic voice, Her voice as deep as the ocean. I turned my head around to see her face, she had a face as serene as the winter night's moon ,her doe black eyes, had me drowing, deeper into new profound depeaths.
I was held captive then and there and I still am, and I will always be. That voice. That face. Everything about her is embedded into my soul, as if it was always meant to be that way. Maybe it is. She is my drug, my favorite drug to whom I am addicted hopelessly. But addictions always come at a cost, don't they?! I never actually realized how she felt like home to me until I found myself thinking about how much I wished she was with me. The saying "home is whenever I am with you" has never been more clear to me. She was my home and I was homesick without her.

Driving recklessly through the suburbs, feeling that fierce throbbing pain inside my chest once again, the same pain I felt years back, when everything changed, every fucking thing. Taking sharp turns and driving aimlessly ,I didn't realised when I reached that place, it felt as if my heart unknowingly lead me there. Sometimes I feel as if my own existence pities me for my condition, feeling empathic and helpless seeing the way I had become.
My phone ringed , displaying cabir's I'd. Cabir, my brother from another mother, stood by me through thick and thin and I was forever grateful for him. We had been friends since we were in school in Mumbai, India.

Everything was good back then. I had my friends, my only family with me -Fab 5( Cabir, Dhruv, Alya, Mukti and me). No, i wasn't an orphan, I had Nyonika -my mom who wasn't less than a monster wrapped in human skin, who directly or indirectly was responsible for all my Miseries & mishappenings and dad- who hardly cared about us. He was there yet he wasn't there ever. And I, Manik Malhotra-  was the horrible outcome of this mismatched array.
Though I tried hard to push him away too, but that jerk never backed out despite me being a spineless rude asshole to him every fucking time. I never said that to him but I was happy to atleast have somebody, who never gave up on me.

"Where the fuck you at manik? It's your first concert, how can you act so reckless?" Cabir literally screamed through the phone

Bitterly replying to him,I said
"Fuck off cabir, lemme atleast be depressed in peace!"

"Manik stop being a jerk for once and try to understand that if you do not perform today, your career will end even before it starts, and you very well know you can't afford that! " Hissed cabir.

"I don't care cabir, make some excuse and deal with this shit"

And with that the line went silent. I slowly came out of car, banging the door behind. Scared, the little kid dashed out, who was playing with balloons on the road. Any sane person too would have done the same seeing my disheveled appearance.
Messy wild hair falling in tousled waves around my face. My outfit, a mix of edgy and glamorous- ripped jeans and a stylish leather jacket hanging on my shoulder, shirt slightly unbuttoned, giving a glimpse of my well built body. While my sharp jawline adorned a rough stubble, showing how little attention I'd paid to himself.
My dark brown almond eyes, looked dull and tired, as if someone has drained all of my energy.

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