< The worried feeling >

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"Kanade's pov"

It's been a week. Mafuyu has been missing for a week. Why did she disappear so suddenly? What happened to her?

Maybe she's feeling down again...

I should ask Miku about it. She knows everything about Mafuyu, right?

I opened the song on my computer and got myself teleported to Sekai. There, I saw Mizuki and Ena talking to Miku. Seems like Ena was the first one to notice me though...

"Oh, Kanade! You're here too?" She asked with a smile, then looked back at Mizuki. "We were just talking about Mafuyu...is she still missing? Have you not seen her?"

"No, I haven't.." I replied, then frowned slightly. "Miku, have you seen Mafuyu anywhere? Has she been here at all for the past week?"

Miku just shook her head. This can't be good...

"The last time I saw her was on Christmas"

"Christmas??" Mizuki spoke up with a slightly shocked tone. "Why exactly at Christmas?"

Miku smiled, before answering. "She bought me some snow. We celebrated Christmas together"

"And that's the last time you saw her?" I asked, a bit disappointed


"Then...who else could've seen her?" I asked another question, a slight panic in my voice

"We should look around town. Maybe someone has heared anything?" Mizuki suggested, before looking at Ena

"Hmm...Mafuyu goes to Miyamasuzuka, right? Maybe we should start looking there" I said

"One of my friends goes to Miya High, too" Ena said, before putting a finger to her chin as if she was thinking of something. "Maybe she knows something? We should also ask around"

Miku just stared at us with the same empty expression she always has. "Is Mafuyu going to be okay?" She asked

"I hope so.." All three of us said at the same time

"We should look everywhere we can, and ask everybody we know. She'll be okay, right? She didn't..." I mumbled the last part quietly, with a clearly worried face

"Let's just hope she'll be okay" Miku said, before turning back and walking away

The three of us sighed, as I decided to go back. Mizuki and Ena stayed behind to do something together

I left the sekai, and immediately sat on my chair. I started searching through my and Mafuyu's old conversations to check if I could find something important

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