First Meeting

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It's been a couple of days since being here in the realm of horrors and pain. You began get used to it, surprisingly you became one of the best survivors to have on the team. Due to you having the ability to loop the killer for a long period of time.

You annoyed most killers that you ran. Hearing their frustration is fun to you, and made it enjoyable to torture some of the killers who have torture you or your friends you made here. As you and everyone are gather around the campfire, you see the familiar black smoke going up your legs, signaling you that it's time for the next trial.

You quickly look up to see the map (The Game) You hated and loved this place, hated because of the sharp corners. Love it because of the loops. Sprinting into action try to find a generator nearby, hearing the sound of gears moving already. As you turn the corner, you see Jane on the generator. Quickly getting to work right next to her" You seen the killer yet?" You ask "No not yet, but I think its a stealthy one." Jane reply. Stealthy? You think to yourself I went up against Stealth killers before like Michael and Pig, but who else could it be? Snapping out of your thoughts, you hear a scream off someone going down specifically sounding like Steve. You and Jane finish the generator and separate to find more to do.

Time passes and Youand your team have completed two more gens make 2 more left to do. Still you have yet to encounter the killer, who is having a pretty bad time killing anyone. So why not have some fun and mess around with the killer, right as that thought came to mind you see Nea running away from someone in a black cloak and a white Ghost mask. GHOSTFACE. That's who it is, you've been warned about this killer before. Good thing you know his ability. You see ghostface down Nea, noticing that you had brought a flashlight this trial you quickly blind the killer.

Hearing a groan and footsteps of nea running away, you stand there with a smirk. "Ready to play?" You ask. Ghostface looks at you, then tilts his head at you. "What kind of fun girly, you must be new doll~" He says through his voice modulator. " A fun game called who can catch the survivor without getting mad" You say as you start to run, with him quickly on your trail. You go to a place with a palette near the freezer area. One of your favorite loops.
Vaulting the freezer window, he tries to swing at you. But he misses you and hits the window. " wow you really are bad, you swing early" You taunt him earning a frustrated sigh. He then vaults the window and you blind him, running towards the palette nearby to get distance. As you make towards the palette, you loop him around it for a good minute. Earning you a gen popping and The masked killer groaning in frustration.

Just when it couldn't get any worst for the killer the last gen pops. Meaning the exit gates are now powered. You laugh in victory of loop yet another killer for a long period of time. But the second you let your guard down, Ghostface is behind you. His arm wraps around your waist, while his knife is up against your throat. You breath hitches once he begins to speak in your ear. "You really need to pay attention girly or else someone would sneak up on ya." Shit. You thought to yourself, you didn't think you be caught like this. Nor did you prepare to think of a way to get out of his grip.

"Maybe I like the thrill of being sneak up on hm?" You say "huh?, really now doll~. Interesting." He says. "How about we make a deal, You let me go and I will never be hard to catch again." You say as calmly as possible. "Temping offer, I have a better idea. Give me a kiss and I will let you go. Your a interesting one, so I'll let you off the hook this time." He says. "Fine." You reply. He puts his knife away but still hold on to your waist as you turn to face him. "Now close your eyes doll, can't have you peaking under my mask". You do as he says as you close your eyes. Once your eyes are close you hear shuffling a little then feel soft lips on yours, leaning more into the kiss it starts to get heated as you wrap your arms around his neck. Both of your tongues fighting for dominance. After a couple seconds he pulls away and pulls his mask back down.

You realize that the exit has just now been open. " You had no way out" you say as you back away from the masked killer. " So you realize doll~, had to take my chances to get to kiss a beautiful girl like you. Maybe next time I will have more then a kiss girly." He say seductively. " hah, don't get cocky. This is just a one time thing. Bye bye Ghosty." You day as you run to the exit gates.

(Time skip) Spawning at the campfire, no one has suspected you that you had been gone for a bit during the trial. So you brush it off and head to your tent to laydown and get some rest. As for the Stealthy killer he is in the woods stalking his beautiful new obsession, taking pictures for his unholy thoughts. Once he deemed it to be enough he heads back to camp to either rest or do something sinister.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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Ghostface x Fem reader Dead by daylight Where stories live. Discover now