Chapter 1 : Under the moonlight sky

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In a creepy rundown alter light by candles that are being held by numerous cloaked figure. The leader of this strange cult walks toward a helpless tied down young woman having but her bare naked body being expose for everyone else to see.

Her arms and legs spread out over the circle stone table bind by wired. No one could here the black hair girl scream with the clothe stuff in her mouth and all the followers of the cult enchanting loudly with unrecognizable stripture.

The leaders of the cult march closer to the woman with a very long knife that have a symbol of a wolf on it.

"Brothers and sisters, our time have finally come. From this night on, we don't have to live in the shadow of the night any longer. We don't of have to fear the ones that hunted us down for no reason."

" Tonight, under this moonlight sky, we will rise up and take control of our own destiny."

The followers continue to chant the mysterious stripture from some skin cover book.

The cult leader deep majestic voice echoes aganist the moldy walls of the building, rifling up the others who stands by looking down from above the alter.

With both hand holding the healt of the blade. They all watches as their great leader with a  bloodlusted but satisfying glance plunges the knife right through the heart.

"Awwwwww!!!" Screams are heard coming from a short black hair girl in a witches costume.

The girl screams in excitement after coming out of the theater with her tall blonde hair boyfriend, drew.

" Was it really that scary?" He asks

" Super, especially that part when the girl was tied down as the killer was coming closer. Super scary."

Drew girlfriend, who name is clare clutch her arm around Drew's as the walk down the busty street of scary costumes, pumpkin head streetlight and the sound of treat and trick coming from every month of the little children running around carefree under the night of the full moon

Drew realizing that the night have gotten this dark wanted to take clare home before her father get worry.

" What, come on, it's halloween, let head to some more scary places."

" I really don't want to piss her dad off."

The girl is indifferent about her boyfried concerns. She haven't had enough fun for the night yet

" The night is still young you know."

Her smoothing suductive tone and her soft gently lips press upon his right ears made the hormones 19 years ago takes her to a place where he is sure going to be scary enough for the 18 years old.

Deep in the back woods of the town, with nothing but the light from the moon hovering over the car where the two teens are making out aggressively.

Drew with every second past gets more and more intense with his movement.

Removing clare's witch costume as well as her mini short jeans she wore especially for him. The two start to get down to busy when drew in the missionary position thrusted hard leaving clare gasping for air as his movement are a lot more intense compare to before.

" Does doing it in your car in the middle of the dark woods really make you this horny?"

It was really hard for drew to her Clare's words from all her panting and moaning. Or maybe he is unable to hear her because his body if reacting to something that is causing him to lose control as his eyes of becoming a different color. A bright yellowish glow emitted from his eyes.

His nails slightly gotten longer and sharper.

Clare is unaward of this because she kept her eyes close the entire time due to the pleasure she is feeling for Drew's cock.

Before things could get out of control for drew, he stop his motion half way through.

Seeing him taking up his shirt, it bothers the girl that he just stop just like that.

" Is everything alright drew?' 

Touching his muscular back, clare made a mental note in her head commenting on the fact that his body temperature feel way too hot.

( It's like his body is on  fire )

This worry the girl a bit.

Without turning to face her, he told her that he is going outside cool his body down of a bit. He quickly leaves her alone in his car before telling her that he will be back soon.

Clare is left worry since she has never seen drew like this before. Also fifteen minutes have past since drew left and clare is getting more and more worry.

He also left his phone behind so clare is unable to call him.

" This is bullshit,"

Stepping out of the car to enter the woods to go look for him.
" Where did he go for too?"
" Drew where are you!"

Clare is getting more irritated by her boyfriend sudden disappearing. Thinking that he is trying to pull some sick joke to try and scare her.

She warns him that if didn't come out of hiding right now. She is going to leave him behind since he stupidly left his car keys in the car

There was no respond.

" Seriously, this isn't funny anymore, come on out right now drew."

Her lips are trembling, her body is feeling a slight chill running down her spine as she is getting the feeling that someone or something is watching her from a far

" Drew, is that you?" 

Her now nervous demeanor shows it ugly head once she spots a strange shadowy figure from a distance. Even with the moonlight she still couldn't make heads or tails of what it is.

But one thing the girl is sure for. That whatever is standing ahead of her. It is not human. She could feel it piercing yellow eyes looking back at her. It send chills up and down her body in some many frightening ways. It feel like her body is frozen it place. Stuck to the very ground she stands on right now.

Not wanting to be in the woods any longer. She instinctively step back slowly. Hoping get back to the car quickly to call her father. But all her hopes went up in flame when she accidentally step on a twig underneath her shaking feet causing a small sound.

That sound was just enough to cause the shadowy figure to suddenly charge right at her.

Screaming loudly, Clare ran as fast as she could back to the car. Her arms are shaking from fear making her drop the keys to start the engine. Something fast and huge suddenly slam into the side of the car causing it to flip over on it's head.

It's stepping on the car slowly crushing it from the top. Screaming the entire time, Clare quickly looks for her phone trying her best to fight of the intense fear she is feeling from hearing the loud growls of whatever in tormenting her right now.

" Come on, come on. Please pick up the phone."

Gripping the phone tightly so that it doesn't slip out of her hand due to the blood from her injury head and hand. Everything suddenly went silent on the outside. As well as clare's panicking.

Is she safe right now. Is her bleeding head making a fool out her right now. Blood triple down her face as she is wondering if it is safe right now. The ringing coming from her phone ended when the receiver picks up the call.

" Clare are you alright?"  The caller on the end finally answers.

" Dad please help me, I don't like what is going on." 

Her teary expression is evident that she doesn't feel like this nightmare is over just yet. Her worry's were right on the market when a giant jaw burst through the window, grabbing her leg.

Her father on the other end could not even hear Clare's screams as the mysterious beast drags her away into darkness for the woods.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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