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The next day we all went to the arena.

"Welcome to the teen goodwill games, as teams from around the world arrive to compete in winter and summer events! The USA is expected to score well in the metal count, especially in basketball, swimming and hockey. And there's team usa hockey lead by coach Gordon Bombay, along with their star plays Adam banks and Cortney Roberts who has recently experienced a hard hit to the shoulder, let's hope that doesn't effect her playing today! They're looking fit and ready to begin the competition!"

We were winning against Trinidad so far, 6-0. I had three scores. Connie took the puck and scored! "Yes Connie!" I yelled from the bench.

"Yeah high five some more, man my little brother cannon these guys!" A boy said from the stands.

I looked behind me, rolling my eyes at the boy before looking back at the game.

"Why don't you go bother him then?" Jesse snarled annoyed.

"Haha I ain't even got a little brother!" The boy laughed.

"Jesse quit gabbing and get out there on the ice." Coach said to Jesse and he went over the boards onto the ice.

Jesse had the puck and was going to their end. One of the Trinidad players tripped him up and he went straight into the net. Fulton and Dean had this new thing where they called themselves "the bash brothers" it was cool. The both basically knocked down every Trinidad player. Then Portman scored. We cheered. The crowd went crazy for them.

I was on the bench now sitting next to Avermen. "Hey you got a girl in the stands?" Charlie asked Adam who was looking at the stands. I couldn't help myself but listen in to their conversation.

"No," adam paused "on the bench the scouts man, look at 'em." He said, looking up at the men with clipboard in the stands. I slightly smiled to myself at this statement.

"Don't worry about scouts Adam, just play your best." Charlie encouraged, patting his back.


"Team USA loses the puck centre ice. Trinidad with it. Here's bell up on it, blocks the blue line goes for a great move and scores!"

The buzzer went over and everyone on Trinidad cheered. I let out a sigh.


"Here in the end of the game team USA has the puck, through Connie Moreau. Moreau stick handling in the Trinidad zone. Moves around gives it over to Ken wu. Wu backs behind the net. Ducks under the legs. Goes around and he scores!"

The buzzer went off and everyone cheered for ken. We won! "That wasn't a game that was a statement!" Coach yelled as we all cheered around.


After we all went back to the dorms, for showers and were now in our matching USA tracksuits, we were doing an interview with the whole team.

"Ladies and gentlemen team usa hockey! And the man chosen to take them to victory... Gordon Bombay!" Mr tibbles yelled excitedly.

A big polar bear mascot game towards us. We shaked his hand, I figured we could have a duck as our mascot not a bear. "Team USA how does it feel to compete at a national level?" A news reporter asked.

We all shared our different excited responses.

"Team USA you're going up agonist team Iceland. They're the heavy favourites, their coach has already garnered victory. How are you going to handle?" Another reporter asked us.

"Um well working hard, i think were prepared to take on the best of the best, we're team usa and we're going all the way." Coach said, and Mr tibbles gave a thumbs up.

"USAs going down. That's where your going!" A man with slicked back hair said. "See you on the ice Bombay!" He shouted. Him and a group of tall blonde players behind him.

"Isn't that standson from the hockey league?" I asked. Some of us stayed as others walked away.

Me, ken, Julie, Connie, Charlie and Adam. "Yeah he only played pro one year." Charlie said.

"Punched out more teeth then goals. I heard he even punched out his coach." Adam said as we all glared at him and his team.

"That's his team? Those guys are huge!" Ken yelled.

"And hot." I smirked, i was joking but they were kinda cute.

The boys looked at me disgusted. "Oh my god yes!" Julie yelled and Connie nodded.

"You guys are weird." Adam rolled his eyes.

"just saying!" I said, lifting my hands up in defence.

Everyone was now walking away, i trailed behind as a few reporters tried to ask me questions, I ignored them not wanting to get lost from everyone else.

As I was walking back the Iceland group, a tall blonde boy stepped in front of me. "Aren't you too small to be playing in the big leagues?"

I rolled my eyes, I hated it when people called me small. "I may be short but that doesn't mean I'm weak, now move slick back."

He didn't move, just stood there glaring down at me. "Relax red, wouldn't want your hair to catch on fire." He laughed.

I grinned, pulling out my water bottle, "no but we would want to ruin that slick back." I then opened my water bottle, pouring it on his head before running away laughing.

"I'll get you!" He yelled, as him and two of his friends chased after me as I ran to the bus.

"Shit shit shit shit!" I whisper-yelled as I got onto the bus, everyone looking at me worried.

I sat in Connie's seat, leaning over guy and put my head on her lap, "hide me hide me!"

"Woah what's going on?" Guy chucked.

"Those Iceland kids are crazy!" I said as the driver pulled out of the parking lot.

"What happened?" Charlie asked from behind me, him and adam looking at me confused.

"He called me small so I poured my water on his head." I shrugged.

"Why are you always doing such stupid shit?" Sidney asked from in front of me.

A few others agreed, "he said my hair was going to light on fire." I said again, trying to defend myself.

"Now they're going to be gunning for you." Adam said, putting his hands onto of the seat.

"Yeah, and they probably know about your shoulder." Connie said worried.

"My shoulder is fine," I lied, glancing down at the left shoulder.

They all raised a brow, "that's why you're always extra careful with it?"

"Well yeah, I mean it hurts some times, but only when there's a lot of pressure on it."

The rest of the bus ride was full of me getting lectures from my friends then we all walked off and went back to our dorms.

"I need to ask you girls something." I said as I sat next to Sidney.

"Yeah what's up?" Connie asked.

"Okay so earlier, Charlie asked Adam if he had a girl in the stands and he said no on the bench." I said. I knew what it meant but I didn't know if it meant me.

"Okay so he definitely meant you!" Sidney yelled almost as if I had been stupid to question it.

"I mean he could have meant Sidney orr umm Julie!" I yelled.

"No Cory he meant you." Connie smiled. I slightly smiled and laid down.

"Yeah. Maybe." I sighed.

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