Back to Cali

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We all ran out of the tunnel after finding out the biggest secret ever and all of our faces were shocked and no words spilling out of our mouths. We all were standing there out of breath and amazed.
Emily- "Wow. I can't believe that we're all sisters. And that we were all sent here from the past."
All- "Yeah."
Emily- "We should probably get going so that the boys don't think something happened to us."
All- "Ok"
We all hopped back in the car that was now filled to the brim with gas. Me and Katie started up the cars and pulled out of the gas station. We headed back down the long road to California. By night time we were in the city of Las Vegas. We pulled into a hotel parking lot and checked in to get a room. When we did we all just passed out on the couch watching tv. The next day we got back in the car and started our long drive back to California.

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just I was having a little trouble with my account so yea plus I started school so just a lot of delays so I hope you liked this chapter and keep reading to find out what is going to happen next.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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