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Makomo pov:

After a while of talking we started to become friends. I would tell him something about me, and he would tell me something about him!
I ended up getting to know alot about him. A few days after that I was making flower crowns just for fun and then I had an amazing idea.

Makomo's mind: I should give sabito one!

I walk up to him with a smile

Makomo: here I made you a flower crown!

Sabito: wow this looks amazing, it must have taken a lot of time! Thank you!

I was soo happy when he said he liked it

Sabito pov: I put the flower crown on my head gently, not wanting to break it. it looked cool and It must have taken her a long time to make.

Makomo: it looks good on you!

Sabito: *admiring it* oh uh thanks

Makomo: your welcome!

(Hope y'all liked this part, I still need ideas so if y'all could comment some that would be great :) and also comment if y'all want me to make these longer so yea bye :D)

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