The Shining Beacon 1

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Y/n Pov
Beacon Air Ship

Y/n: "The view is pretty nice up here. Ironwood wasn't the happiest about his best student leaving but he'll get over it

While i was enjoying the view I looks back after i heard the sound of someone groaning and there he caught sight of a blonde boy clutching his stomach, clearly about to puke..

Y/n: "Sucks to be him."

I heard a familiar voice..

Ruby: "Oh hey! Y/N..!"

Y/n: "Oh hello there."

Ruby: "Hey! Looks like We got on the same Airship."

Y/n: "That we did. Did you come by yourself too?"

Ruby: "No I came here with my sister. Let me introduce you."

???: "Ruby there you are."

The familiar voice to Ruby made her turn and behind Ruby stood Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's Half Elder Sister.

The familiar voice to Ruby made her turn and behind Ruby stood Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's Half Elder Sister

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Ruby: "Ooh! Yang, you know the boy I was talking to you about last night? This is him, meet Y/N."

Ruby points at me.

Yang perks up at starts to look at me up and down.

Yang: Hey cutie nice to meet you. Thanks for helping my sister out."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you aswell and she really didn't need my help she took out a lot of goons."

Yang: "Okay, can you excuse us for like a minute?"

Y/n: "Sure.

Y/n: So that's ravens daughter. She really unique in the right places.

Yang turns around to Ruby and whispers to Ruby.

Yang: "Okay Ruby-You didn't mention how he would look. He's really fineee."

Ruby: "Wait what?"

Yang: He's a total hottie and you didn't tell me..."

Ruby: "Tell you? Why does it matter though?"

Yang: "Why? I would've been better prepared."


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