Chapter 4

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I won't lie, fitness class was a blast today. Not the circuit part, but the getting to play basketball with the boy's gym class. Some of the girls that were on the court while I was playing weren't really into the whole idea of playing the game. But I could see Cassey trying her best to block one of the guys on my team. Without going into too much detail, let's just say she almost ended up being the second person to fall on her butt today.

Other than the amazing game we had in class, I don't even want to mention my mess up during the tip off. I was so close to hitting it off to my team, but Ashton had the extra edge over me to hit it off to his team. I've never been more disappointed in myself before. I plan on winning back my centre title, no chance I'm losing that to him.

Math class was pretty simple today. We took up the homework we were assigned last night; going over anything major that people had some difficulties with. Today's lesson was a bit more extensive, but I grasped lesson a bit better than yesterday. I'd like to blame my pent-up anger from the basketball game for getting my focus riled up for this.

Ashton and I haven't really spoken since the basketball game this morning, and he also didn't show up to math class, nor did I see him in the cafeteria when I headed down for some food. He probably headed home again for lunch. Can't blame him, lunch gets lonely when you don't really have people to sit with. But he seemed to be talking to a bunch of the boys in his gym class, I wonder what's up with him.

No matter, I enjoyed my lunch with Cassey and Michelle, and they both complained about how aggressive the boys played. And once again, heard Cassey make her argumentative statement that her art teacher is making the class work unbearable. It's one art assignment after the next slowly piling up on top of each other.

I know nothing about art, nor am I an artist myself, but I can imagine how difficult it would be having all that work to do. Especially if you put in all your hardest work to make it absolutely perfect.

Lunch ended and that was my queue to head up to my English class. Once again, Ms. Tulip had written on the board that her voice was still gone, so take this as another period to work on our novels. As soon as I read that, I sat down at the desk and took out my novel and sticky notes. There's no time to waste, it works out so well in my favour. I stick some earbuds in and begin working on my novel, while students still come in from their lunch. The bell rings and a few straddlers quickly walk in and make their way into some empty seats

About half an hour has passed and I decide to take a quick little break from reading, to refresh my mind. I get up to stretch and take a quick walk to the bathroom. That's when it comes to my attention, Ashton hasn't shown up to class. You would think homeschooler would take this as an amazing opportunity to be in some real classes. Yet he doesn't even bother to show up, or if he does; he's late. Seems a bit fishy, but once again it's none of my business.

I get up and make my way over to the washroom quickly, and when I get back to the classroom, I get right back into my novel.

Before I know it, I've met well over my quota of pages needed for the day. That also includes all my in-depth annotations, plus extra that'll help me piece together the perfect essay.

The bell rings, and that means English is finally over. Originally, I planned on staying back at the library because I assumed we were going to be doing a lesson in class today. But since I was able to get a lot done, I figure there's no shame in heading home to make myself some popcorn and watch a movie.

I swing right down my usual stairwell, throw my earbuds in, and head out the main doors of my school. When I exit the building, I see a figure laying down on the front lawn. Upon closer look, I realize it's Ashton laying on the grass, but why?

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