A poem dedicated to the holy pepper

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Blindly following your trust
You guide us
Humbling us with your words
You guide us
Our lord
Our savior
Our leader
You guide us
Forgiving us
Helping us see the true lights
Showing us the way through this dark time
You guide us
Showing us what we've done wrong
You lead us to the right paths
You saved us at our weakest moments
You showed us what was right
You guide us
Our lord
Our savior
Our leader
Our light
Our peace
Our hope
We trust you with all we carry
And with that you keep us safe
You show us the true meaning
You mend our broken souls into beautiful art
You fix us with your holy guidance
You show us the truth
You give us freedom
You guide us
You guide us

- A poem by pA-ArTy_drU-Ugs
Dedicated to the all holy pepper

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