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we've landed and collected all our suitcases, we're in a cab now and I'm sandwiched between matt and chris in the back seat while nick is in the passenger seat,

"calm down you get separate beds" chris said patting my knee, I turn my head to him, "oh like that's the fucking problem" I said

"fuck this shit man I'm about to jump out this fucking car" matt said readjusting himself in his seat, I turn my head to matt now, "good fucking god, go on, I'm waiting" I said angrily, I'm mostly angry at chris and nick for torturing me by practically gluing me to matt when they know we don't get along 

I sulk back in my seat, my legs squeezed together since both matt and chris are manspreading,

It was silent until I decided to speak up again, "I'm sleeping in the corridor" I said while staring straight ahead, nick turned around in his seat to look at me,
"jade, come on" he said annoyed at ME being annoyed,

I take my airpods out my pocket and put them in, I put my music on full volume, ignoring everyone in the car,

we arrived at the hotel, it was currently 8pm but the sun was setting, and everyone was tired, we all got out the cab and took out stuff out the trunk, I walked straight ahead of everyone,

I'm the first one to walk into the hotel, I walk up to the reception and by the time someone comes to the counter all three of them are beside me,

"names?" the woman behind the desk asks, "uh, matt, chris and nick sturniolo..... and jade anderson" matt answered while he was tapping the desk

she smiled at us and handed out two keys, "room numbers are written on the keys, hope you enjoy your stay"

we all smiled back and said thanks before walking towards the elevator,

we got into the elevator, nick pressed the button to bring us to the fourth floor, I'm standing right infront it the door, prepared to walk straight out when it opens, nick matt and chris were behind me,

"jade.." chris said trying to get my attention, I spun around and stared at him, "what?"

"you can share a room with me instead" he said sympathetically, my eyes widen, he's only offering to share a room with me now? After getting me winded up, I would kill to share a room with anyone except matt right now but I'm just too angry

"you know what? no, fuck off, I'll share with Matt" I snapped at him, I turn back around so my back is facing them, matts eyes went wide while nick and chris looked at each other confused

"Jade just share a room with chris" matt said with a tone, I spin around again, I stare at him for a few seconds before I speak again, "you share a fucking room with him then"

I rolled my eyes and spun around again so I'm not facing them, can't deal with chris and nick right now, what the actual fuck were they expecting out of this?

the elevator door opened and I marched out with my suitcase behind me, we all walk down the hall to our rooms in silence, we stopped in front of our rooms, they were right beside each other,

no one said anything while we were standing, I look at all of them before getting annoyed again, "give them their fucking key matt" I said while moving my hand around

matt groaned and handed nick his and chris's key,
I snatched our key out his hand because all I wanted to do was sleep,

I insert the key in the lock,

"if I die, you know why" matt whispered to nick before they walked off to go into their room,

I walked in, matt following right behind me, once I turned the corner I immediately stop in my tracks, matt bumped into me

"what the fu-" he cut himself off when he saw the exact same thing Im seeing right now, I slowly turn to face him, there's no fucking way they booked a room with only one kind sized bed instead of two "this has to be a sick joke" I said walking out of the room, prepared to bang down chris's door

I got to his door and started banging on it with the side of my fist, I grow impatient as he isn't answering straight away, I keep banging even though the side of my fist is gone numb

nick opened the door with the exact same expression I had on my face when I saw the single bed, "you think this is funny?" I ask him annoyed, he looked back in the direction of the bed, then back at me,

"no I don't think this is funny because now I have to share a bed with chris" I looked at him confused, he also got a single bed? I shove nick to the side and waltz in, I turn the same corner and see that they also got one single bed,

chris was at the opposite of the bed just staring down at it, "you booked single bed bedrooms?" I asked annoyed while throwing my hands up at him, he furrowed his brows at me, "you think I'll actually do that?" he responded in the same tone I had,

matt walked into the room now and sighed at the sight of the single bed, he squeezed his nose bridge and started shaking his head, "there's no fucking way man"

nick stood beside him with his arms crossed, "it has to be a mistake, I saw the online receipts and we booked two rooms with two king sized beds in each"

I groan and started to look around the room, I see that there's a telephone in the wall beside the bed, I basically ran over to it and pressed reception

I hold it up to my ear as I'm taking a seat on the bed, the call went through and I immediately started talking, "hi...., yeah we booked a two rooms with two beds in each but there's only one king sized bed in each room" I said trying to calm down

I was talking to the woman on the phone for about 5 minutes now, chris was biting his nails, Nick was pacing back and forth and matt was hovering over me with his arms crossed, staring straight at me while I'm still seated

I kept glancing up at him, holding eye contact for a few seconds each time I looked up, not gonna lie but he got me feeling all nervous with the way he's hovering over me right now

"yeah okay, thanks anyway" I end the call and shove the phone back into the wall, "so?" matt snapped at me with a tone, I tilt my head back a bit so I could look at him comfortably

"they made a mistake, and they don't have any spear rooms, they're all taken"

ngllll there was a bit of tension🤰
anyways next chapter will probably be out tonight so 🤟

HOTEL ROOM. (matt sturniolo) (contains smut)Where stories live. Discover now