Little Red Blanket

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Gigi was sitting happily with her parents at the old dining table. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the delicious apple pie that was recently taken off the oven.

— Baby you need to wait till it cools off. Alright?

Her mom sweetly patted Gigi's head. Even though she got a little upset she still kept a wide smile.

Interrupting the family conversation a far away howl sounded miserable and lonely. Gigi wasn't afraid of the sound of wolves, but her mom got uneasy. Even though they were all having a good time together, Gigi's father got up and took his gun by the door. Her mom became furious.

— You're not going to hunt them! They are starving! As soon as they get the chance they are going to kill you and then eat us all!

He walked slowly and put his large hand on his wife's cheek. He looked at her and spoke very softly.

— It's going to be fine, Julia. We need the money. If I kill them, we can buy more food with the reward.

Julia couldn't hide her sadness and apprehension, but nodded shortly with her head. He kissed her forehead and then walked to the door, giving a quick smile to Gigi before leaving.

Her dad was strong and had wide shoulders, he seemed like the strongest person in the world. So she was not afraid at all, for Gigi her father was invincible. Julia didn't think the same, for her, everything could go wrong.

After a few hours waiting together, Gigi and her mom went to sleep. They shared the bed, since the family didn't have money for another one.

In the middle of the night, Gigi woke and noticed that her mom was in the kitchen, crying, and that her father had not returned. Still half asleep she wrapped herself in a red blanket, stuffed her pocket with some slices of the apple pie and went to the door. The handle was a bit taller than her, but Gigi managed to open the wooden door. Right after she did so, the wintry wind invaded the humble house.

She walked through the yard.

— Dad — she called, her voice soft in the middle of the soundless night.

She approached the forest. She got deep into it and then even deeper. The forest was all dark, since the sun went up very late in the winter. Sometimes she could hear the howl of wolves in the distance.

— Dad? — she called again, as she walked in the frigid forest, her small feet freezing in the snow.

The sound of rustling leaves behind her broke the silence of the forest, she turned towards the sound holding her red blanket tight in her frozen hands.


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