Episode 16 (Fractured)

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David: cuz I been wanted to fight you, ion fuck with replacements.

Edwin priv: what did I do?

Gavin: nah you just feel like you need to prove yourself, that's all.

David: I don't need to prove myself to nobody, respect is a given.

Kai: no it's not, I have yet to ever respect you.

David: I don't care.

Kai: no, because you're not about to sit here and say we respect you when we don't.

David: who doesn't respect me?

Kai: me, I don't fuck with you, I have yet to fuck with you since you out your hands on me.

David: alright cool, I'm talking to him right now.

Kai: so run up on him like you ran up on me.

David: he don't wanna fight.

Gavin: I do you just not about it.

David: I've been about it.

Makhail priv: I'm sick and tired of them arguing, it's 2am and there's no hands being thrown, I'm not with the talking, yall niggas gonna throw hands or shut the fuck up.

Makhail gets out of his bed and goes out there. Han follows him.

Makhail: what the fuck is the problem now?

Gavin: he a pussy.

David: you're the pussy, you won't swing.

Kai: it's both of y'all, y'all both got an issue so fucking swing.

Gavin: I don't even know dude.

Kai: so then walk away.

David: exactly pussy.

Makhail: shut the talking up, it's 2am, I'm fucking tired, y'all keep arguing over catty shit.

David: it's not catty shit.


Julian priv: prime Makhail is back, welcome home.

David: so what's up Gavin, you gon swing or shut the fuck up.

Gavin: you're scared of me bro.

David: shut the fuck up.

Gavin: make me.

David: Makhail, I don't wanna ruin your trip, but I'm tired of him talking.

Makhail: so go handle your shit then.

David takes his rings and chain off.

Gavin: so what's good?

David walks up to him. They square up.

David: swing.

Gavin: you swing pussy.

Kai: David hit him or I'm hitting both of y'all.

David swings. Gavins dodges it and tackles David into the wall. Kai runs over and jumps in.

David: yo they jumping me.

Security breaks them up.

Makhail: are y'all done?

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