Maybe We're Destined For Something Else

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Veneer's POV

Every day, from the crack of dawn to late at night, my sister Velvet and I put in tremendous effort to make our dream of becoming famous pop stars a reality. I remember feeling skeptical at first given the countless heartbreaks that people experience in the entertainment industry. However, the hope and determination I saw in my sister's eyes inspired me to give it my all. It's not easy, but we're doing everything we can to make it happen. For example. every day after school we're in the studio writing songs to perfection. We've tried many genres, such as country, rock, folk, and even rap. It was a mess... but we settled on a more mainstream approach. 

"Okay, how about a love song?" I suggest, hoping to pique the interest of my picky sister. She groans and leans back in her office chair. "How will that work? You've never been in love, and I've never been in love. We have no experience in that field! Everyone knows you need the experience to write about something relatable." She pops her bubble gum and rolls her eyes. What a diva...

"Think about it. What kind of music do people get famous for? What's currently topping the charts?" Velvet turns to her laptop and Googles a bunch of songs. I start to sulk, unsure of how to help her. "What if this isn't meant for us? I mean, all these people did fantastic things to earn their fame. We're boring. We have no reason to be famous. We aren't poor, we didn't come from an abusive family... nothing about us elicits sympathy from anyone, you know?" She turned towards me, a look of disgust on her face. "Veneer... are you kidding me? Please tell me you're joking." She got up from her seat and approached me. "I can't believe you would say that. This has been my dream for years! Since I was a child, I've always wanted this. Why can't you support me just once?" In typical Velvet fashion, she stormed out of the room.

I paused for a moment, processing her words. Although I felt a twinge of guilt, I don't regret what I said. Everyone should have doubts about everything, why can't I have my doubts about the fight for fame?" I sometimes wonder if I even want that kind of life. Do I want I want fame or do I want to make my sister happy?

Quietly, I closed my sister's laptop and packed up the studio before heading outside. I quickly placed my bag in the trunk of my mom's car and got in the passenger seat.

I have to admit, my mom is my favorite person in the world. She always has my back and supports me whenever I need it. She even picks me up from the studio whenever Velvet leaves without me. I've felt this way since I was a kid, even though it's harsh to admit. I think my dad prefers Velvet over me, maybe because she's straight and I'm not. He always dreamed of having a son to play catch with in the backyard, not a gay son. I wish I could sugarcoat it, but that's what he told me. To my face. Right after I came out. "Son, the second I found out you were a boy... I was over the moon. Now you're telling me you're one of those people? Veneer, I don't get it. I wanted a son to play ball with in the backyard, not a gay kid. Why do you feel this way??" That was followed by a bunch of meaningless questions surrounding my sexuality. Huh. Maybe I could write a song about that. 

When I got in the car, Mom could tell a lot was on my mind. She knew me better than anyone. "Honey... what's wrong?" She had a sympathetic expression plastered on her face. I shrug and sigh, looking down at the floor of the car. "I want to help Velvet become rich and famous and everything... but I don't know how. She's very picky and criticizes all of my ideas... so that got me thinking; am I doing this for me or her?" She looked stunned, "Who said it had to be about one of you? Why can't it be for the both of you? Ever since you two were babies I knew you'd amount to something greater than your father and I. I knew you were meant to be stars. You were singing before you could speak, damnit! Make something out of your talent." I groan, annoyed with this already. "We don't have as much talent as the stars do. We're literal nobodies compared to them, Mom. We can't be as good as them. Me and Velvet will never be as good as ABBA." She looked slightly offended by this, "Veneer, do not talk like that. Nobody will ever be as good as ABBA, yeah, but you two will fit in with the 'stars'. I see it. I see your potential, you just need to push yourselves a little harder to achieve that full potential. Listen to me, please?" She laid a hand on my shoulder, distracting my eyes from the floor. "Even if singing doesn't work out for you, have you thought about helping run the family business? You could be great in dentistry, especially with a name like VENEER!" I shrugged and looked out the window. "I suppose I could consider that." My mom seemed pleased with my response. "If you're interested, I can sign you up for the dentistry program at your school," she said, ruffling my hair. I nodded but stayed silent. All I could think about is what Velvet would have to say about me starting dentistry classes. 

A/N - Hey guys, sorry about this being so short!! It's my first time posting anything in YEARS, and it's a little difficult to start writing again. I'm so sorry if the story is all over the place, I'll try my best to improve it as time goes on. For now, please be patient with me!! Also, if you want me to add anything to the story such as your OCs or plotlines, I am MORE than happy to do so. I don't expect this to reach a large audience, but I hope I get some readers! 

Also, I PROMISE I'll add romance in!! This is purely a romance story, I promise, I'm just taking things slower. Bear with me!! The next chapter will be different, I promise! If you're interested in this, I'll try to update frequently! Just please let me know if you like it or not. Criticism is appreciated.

Thanks for reading!!! :D


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