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I didn't forget this. I even had this plot in my mind. I am really sorry. I was supposed to post this way too earlier. Like weeks earlier.

A big secret about Felix's mother gets revealed.

Minho and Felix visited their father after a long time, as he had been missing them and invited them over

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Minho and Felix visited their father after a long time, as he had been missing them and invited them over. They were excited to return home after such a long absence. Meanwhile, Felix's mother had been in Busan for the past four months and was also returning today.

Unbeknownst to them, Felix's mother was much more deceitful than they had realized. Perhaps Minho had an inkling, as he believed everyone except her was nice. She had been cheating on their father, a fact he was unaware of until now.

Upon entering their house, the two hugged their father and then sat in the living room, reminiscing about old memories. However, Felix's mother returned with the man she was cheating with, not expecting the two sons to be there. She intended to reveal the truth to their father.

Confusion filled the room as they all stared at each other. Felix's mother sighed before speaking. She knew there was no turning back now.

"Well, you guys see... He is my boyfriend. We have been dating for five years."

The three of them sat there in disbelief, their jaws dropped.

"What the-" Felix said still trying to process the news.

"Honestly, I should have expected something like this from you, seeing how you mistreated me. What did my father and brother do to you?" Minho shouted side-eyeing her.

Their father was speechless. He couldn't process the information. He wanted to say but he couldn't due to the shock.

"There is one more thing. Felix is not his child. He is from my boyfriend I dated back in Australia. He died in a car accident."

As Felix tried to comprehend the bombshell his mother had dropped, Minho struggled to contain his anger. He felt a surge of protective rage towards his brother and father, wanting to shield them from this betrayal. But he knew acting impulsively wouldn't solve anything.

Felix's world seemed to shatter around him. The mother he thought he knew was a stranger, and his identity was thrown into question. He looked at his father, hoping to find some resemblance, some connection that would anchor him in this storm of revelations.

Their father sat in stunned silence, his face a mask of disbelief and hurt. His world, too, was crumbling, the foundation of trust and love shaken to its core. He struggled to find words, to make sense of the shattered pieces of his life.

Minho, despite his boiling rage, tried to stay composed. He knew they needed to handle this situation with care, to support each other through turmoil. He reached out to Felix, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, silently conveying his solidarity and support.

Felix's mother's revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their once peaceful home. The truth had been laid bare, and now they were left to pick up the pieces of their fractured family, grappling with the deceit that had tainted their lives.

"Eomma, how could you?" Felix's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "I thought you loved appa and me."

"I... I do love you, Lix." His mother stammered, her eyes filled with tears. "But I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Minho's voice was cold and controlled, barely containing his fury.

"You've been lying to us for years. How can we believe anything you say now?"

Their father finally found his voice, his tone heavy with sorrow.

"I trusted you, I loved you. How could you do this to our family?"

Felix's mind was in turmoil.

"Am I really not appa's son?"

He asked, his voice barely a whisper. His mother nodded, her gaze filled with remorse.

"I'm so sorry, Lix. I should have told you the truth earlier."

Minho's grip tightened on Felix's shoulder, offering silent support.

"We'll get through this shit together."

He said firmly, determination in his eyes. Their father stood up, his expression a mix of pain and resignation. As the reality of their shattered family sank in, Minho and Felix sat in silence, grappling with the magnitude of the betrayal and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Minho's mind raced with memories of the abuse he had endured, the knowledge of his true parentage adding a new layer of betrayal to the mix. He looked at her with a mixture of disbelief and sorrow.

"Why did you treat me like I was nothing? What did I do wrong? Just because I'm not your biological son, does that mean you had to abuse me? Inflict so much pain that I couldn't recover from it. I never wanted to talk about this, especially not in front of appa, but you've left me with no choice."

After her inability to respond to Minho's question about the abuse he endured, a tense silence filled the room. Their father's anger was palpable, his gaze fixed on his wife with a mix of betrayal and fury.

"Is this true?" He asked, his voice low and controlled.

"Did you abuse Minho because he's not your biological son?"

She remained silent, her eyes downcast, unable to meet his gaze. The weight of her guilt seemed to crush her, her shoulders slumping in defeat. Their father's expression softened briefly, a flicker of sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Min." He said, his voice filled with regret. "I should have protected you."

Minho turned to her, his eyes burning with intensity.

"Why?" He demanded, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Why did you do it? Why did you abuse me all those years until I got married?"

She looked up, tears streaming down her face.

"I... I don't know."

"I just wanted a mother who loved me." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"But all I got was abuse and neglect." He cried.

After Minho's confrontation with her, the atmosphere in the house became tense. She left, her departure marked by a heavy silence. Minho and Felix stood together, trying to make sense of the upheaval that had rocked their family.

"We'll get through this together."

Minho said, placing a reassuring hand on Felix's shoulder.

"You'll always be our family, no matter what."

Felix nodded, his eyes filled with uncertainty.

"I just don't know what to believe anymore." He admitted, his voice wavering. "Everything feels so... broken."

Minho squeezed his shoulder gently.

"We'll figure it out." He said, his voice steady.

As the days passed, Minho and Felix found themselves leaning on each other for support. They returned to their house, Chan and Seungmin surroundings offering a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil. Their father seemed lost in his own thoughts, his usual strength faltering under the weight of the revelations.

Minho took charge, guiding his father with a gentle hand. Their father looked at him with gratitude, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Minho just passed a small smile and hugged his father.

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