Arm In The Pool

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3rd person pov

"Did you hear Abby left the state" Was the first thing Chanel heard once she walked into the living room

"Did you hear i dont care?" Chanel smiled sarcastically looking at Jasper who laughed

"Come on, arent you happy she's away from your man?" Ari asked wiggling her eyebrows, "She was never close enough for me to be worried. Plus he's not my man" Chanel shrugged rolling her eyes a little

"Going to the fire station today?" Ari asked looking at her best friend who shrugged

"I dont know, its really hot" She said fanning herself as the other two nodded, "Ari said this is her whore outfit" Jasper blurted making the three laugh

Chanel decided to go to the fire station, she was bored and hot and annoyed at the moment

And she regretted it cause the second she got there, there was call and she was forced to go

Chanel got out of the fire truck following Buck, she had on the black and yellow pants, and black shirt and the red and yellow suspenders on, she would die if she put the jacket on

"Oh, God" she muttered seeing the tourist bus half in someone's house as they fell down a hill

"Excuse me. Do you know if anyone famous lives here?" one of the tourist asked Chanel as she was cleaning the blood off of his forehead

"Oh, God. It burns" One of the workers winced as Hen was cleaning his cut

"I imagine it does" she spoke glancing at Chanel who was already looking at her, she has someone that had a large piece of glass though his hand

"I got it!" Buck called after he grabbed a blown off arm from someone's pool, everyone cheered moving out of his way, "I need ice"

"You are cheery" Hen spoke up as Chanel chuckled a little looking at her dad

"Why shouldn't i be?" he asked walking over to the two

"I dont know. Maybe 'cause you've been like this for weeks, and its starting to get on my nerves. Whats going on with you?" she asked looking at him but was cut off by Buck

"I got another DXA scan, and guess who dropped another half percent" He smiled holding his phone, going over and kissing Chanel on the forehead

"What?" Hen asked confused

"A DXA scan measures your body fat" Chanel explained simply as Buck nodded

"You can see your percentage in every part of your body" he added

"Oh, yeah? They measure the fat in your head?" Chim chimed in as he walked over

"Ah, see, that would be funny, but we're about a week away from submission's being due for How Days, Smoldering Nights: Men of the LAFD wall calendar, and im already at my goal weight, so it seems like my head it clearly working perfectly" Buck smiled as Hen rolled her eyes

"Do you really need to use that whole title? You could just say "that idiotic, reductive, sexist calendar that insults the dignity of this organization and furthers the myth that all firefighters are male" Hen said looking at Buck

"Yeah, thats not any less words"

"Hen, come on, its for charity"

"No. Bobby, you, too?" She asked turning to him

"Well, why not? They say a man is at his sexiest when he reaches 50"

"Dad, gross"

"Is that what they say? That's what they say?" she asked looking at him

"Okay, you're both wrong. All right? You see, i thin sorority houses all across the great nation are ready for a new Asian sex symbol. Its out time" Chim said doing a little pose

"I think its great. You know? I lie that you're both going up for it" Buck nodded looking between the two

"Oh, because you dont think we have a chance" Bobby said as Buck threw his hands up in defense, "Woah, did i say that? I mean, sure, lets be real. They are only picking one candidate form each station"

"And i think im the hottest" Chanel nodded

"Okay. that is a beautiful man" Chim said pointing to something behind Buck

"Where's the lie?" Hen asked looking at him, "And i like girls" she added

"Woah, what a good day to work here" Chanel spoke looking at the shirtless man

"Chanel!" Buck said looking at his somewhat girlfriend as she waved him off, "You had Abby"

"Who the hell is that?" Buck asked looking at Bobby

"Eddie Diaz. New recruit. Graduate top of his class just this week. Guys over at station Six were dying to have him, but i convinced him to join us"

"Thank gosh you did" Chanel whispered under her breath

"What do we need him for?" Buck asked as Bobby chuckled

"He served multiple tours in Afghanistan as an Army medic. Guy's got a Silver Star. Its not like he's wet behind the ears. Come on, ill introduce you guys to him. He likes to be called Eight Pack" Booby spoke pointing at his stomach

"Wow. Silver Star" Hen teased Buck

"Better drop some more body fat there, butch" Chim said patting Buck's stomach

"I like you, you're hot, but it would be so rude of me not to say hello"

"Go say hi, Nel" Buck sighed but smiled at her



"Eddie, this is Hen, Chim and Chanel, Chanel, Chim and Hen, Eddie"

"Nice to me you"

"You too" Chanel smiled shaking his hand

9-1-1 call

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Yeah. You gotta send someone to Hector's Rim and Tire Shop. My boss fell on the nozzle of the compressor and he's blowing up"

"So, Silver Star, huh?" Chim asked looking at Eddie, they were in the back of the fire truck on the way to a call

"Yeah" Eddie nodded looking away from him, "You save a platoon or something?" Chim asked

"No, no, nothing like that. Uh, just a convoy" Eddie smiled

"Eddie, uh, you heard about the hot firefighter calendar?" Hen asked as Buck turned to look at her

"Sorry, the what?" Eddie asked chuckling a little

"Its for charity" Chanel spoke up

"So if your full name "Eduardo?"


"Do people ever call you "Diaz?"

"Not if they want me to respond"

"Something's got to give. We got... we got Cap, Hen Chimney, Buck, Nel. We cant just call you Eddie"

"Cant tell if he's being serious or no"

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